View Full Version : Ramp problem

2007-08-08, 12:19 PM
I am trying to draw a ramp, the last section of which is directly over the first section, and I keep getting the message that lines overlap,,,and then it takes away the first section and drops the ramp down starting from the second section.. I've managed to draw to the second last bit, (attached) but how do I draw the last section of the ramp?

2007-08-08, 02:07 PM
I haven't specifically had to do this with ramps. However, it makes sense to me that the same problem as occurs with spiral stairs is being encountered. That is, it can't be drawn back on top of itself .

The spiral stair solution is to draw a 360 deg rotation stair in two parts and line up the join to make it look like one stair.

I would be suggesting the same solution here - two ramps and get them to join so they look like one.


2007-08-08, 10:49 PM
Yes Rob, that's what i had to do - added a bit of landing at the end and started another ramp from there to the upper level. I was hoping that there was actually a proper way to do it rather than a workaround. Thanks.

2007-08-09, 12:04 AM
When doing stairs, I found it helpful to split them at the halfway point. The reason is it sets some kind of consistent method for me to follow.
I don't kmow if that is any good to you in this instance.

2007-08-09, 01:18 AM
Yes, seems like a logical point to start another one....