View Full Version : Floor as ramp

2007-08-10, 08:48 AM
Hello all experienced Reviters,
Are there disadvantages to using a floor slab as a ramp? With the new edit tools it's easy to place transitions and landings once the RLs are worked out. Also walls can be attached easily. There might be problems that I might have overlooked.

2007-08-10, 09:18 AM
Try to make a circular ramp then do the same with a floor then tell me what you see... ;-)
Good luck

2007-08-10, 12:35 PM
You may (or may not) run into issues with railings. Also you will not get automatic up/dn text or arrows (however that can be overcome with annoations etc.). Also control of the appearance of the ramp in plan, section elevation etc, will be based on the properties of floors and not ramps. While the tapered slabs are fun and useful, I've also found that they definnetly impact model performance and slow things down (if you have alot).
