View Full Version : SF Requirement - Color Fills

2007-08-10, 06:11 PM
Anyone found a way yet to use either room fills or area fills so that one color is displayed if the space complies with programmatic requirements and a different color if they don't.

So, for example, a room is supposed to be 1,000SF by the program. If my room is 995-1005SF, the color fill or area fill would be green; but if my room is outside these tolerances, the fill would be red. Old posts seem to indicate it's not possible.


2007-08-11, 12:37 AM
Yes. When you create a color fill scheme make sure "Area" is selected under the scheme definition regardless if you are creating a color fill scheme for the category of Rooms or Areas. This will activate the "Range" button. You are now free to enter the "Least" value (in SF). If a range of SF values is required, you will need to create a minimum of two "Least" value rows.

Using your example, I was able to create the following: (see attachments)