View Full Version : Window/Door Sched Totals

2003-07-12, 07:05 AM
Hi All,
Is there a way to have window types totaled in aggregate intstead of sequentially in the schedule?

eg: I have 14 5/0-5/0 Double hung windows and I want the sched to list one type with a total of "14", rather than the schedule listing 14 seperate entries of the same window in the grid. Same for puertas.

Thanks all.

Henry D
2003-07-12, 11:27 AM
Use the same "mark" for similar type windows and add "count" to the fields.

2003-07-12, 03:57 PM
Do I have to set the mark perameter manually?
In other words, Revit allows me to assign a mark?


2003-07-12, 04:39 PM
Mark is the "counter" that revit uses, your first window in a new project is 1, the next 2 and so on throughout the life of the project. You need an individual Mark per window, but need never actually show it or display it. Think of as an internal value.

Type Mark is the parameter you can use to "type cast" a window. Each family you use in your standards can have a Type Mark assigned in advance, so placing a window automatically fills in a schedule accordingly. This way every window family of one size can be Type "A"...another...Type "B" and so on.


Henry D
2003-07-12, 04:45 PM
What I would do is select all my same type windows at the same time and right click and select "properties". You then could input a window designation (say "A") as the "Mark". You will then get a warning "Elements have duplicate 'Mark' values" - just click "OK". Only one mark should then appear on your similar window tags.

2003-07-12, 05:17 PM
Thank you both for your help :)

I beat my brains out on this one.
I could'nt get my "starting from scratch schedule" to behaive
no matter what I did...Tried all ng's, tried here, rugi (revitcity?),, re-read the tut's and doc's, read every post in this forum regarding tags, sched's, blah, blah, blah

Then I noticed a teeny-tiny little radio button down in the lower right
hand corner of the sorting pref's....shooooot man.

"Itemize Every Instance" ... check turned off; Bingo.

Well, at least now I am up to speed on tags and schedules.

Scott D Davis
2003-07-12, 05:21 PM
When you create a Schedule for anything, you have the opportunity to list the items individually, or by type. On the Sorting/Grouping Tab of the Schedule Properties dialog box, there is a checkbox for "Itemize Every Instance." Checking or unchecking this box will allow groupings of the same types of windows.

(edit: you beat me to it by 4 minutes!)

2003-07-12, 07:44 PM
Well Scott, as you can see, my brain works kinda slow sometimes, I just type quik :oops: