View Full Version : How do Revit User Groups fund local events

2004-08-05, 06:55 PM
I would be interested in how the local Revit user groups in the US and elsewhere fund local events

Do you book facilities and share the cost

Do you make use of the facilities of one of your local members

Do your local members pay a subscription fee

Do you get any assistance from Autodesk

Do you get any assistance from your local resellers

It can be expensive to book conference facilities for larger groups and this presents a barrier to user group meetings

If anyone has any other Ideas on how user group can become self funding please share these with me

2004-08-05, 07:25 PM
I would be interested in how the local Revit user groups in the US and elsewhere fund local events
Do you book facilities and share the cost
Do you make use of the facilities of one of your local members
Do your local members pay a subscription fee
Do you get any assistance from Autodesk
Do you get any assistance from your local resellers
It can be expensive to book conference facilities for larger groups and this presents a barrier to user group meetings
If anyone has any other Ideas on how user group can become self funding please share these with me
Our last meeting was done this way: A reseller doing a demo (of ACAD 2005, but answering questions for verticals also), paid for the meeting hall. The board members chipped in $10 apiece to provide refreshments.
As our meetings become better attended, we intend to pay for things via advertising in our monthly newsletter and sponsorship from one of the local resellers (keep your fingers crossed for us).
Also, colleges might let you use facilities for free if their students can attend and learn something.

Just a thought, can't wait to hear what others are doing.