View Full Version : Visible in Option property

2007-08-15, 04:40 PM
Can someone explain this one to me. I have read the help file, and I am feeling pretty dense. But I am just not following, so hopefully an alternate explanation will give me a breakthrough.


2007-08-16, 12:13 AM
Are you referring to the instance property named Visible ? If so it's used to turn an object on or off within a family parameter.

2007-08-16, 01:02 AM
The parameter lets you decide when view annotation is visible, all or in a specific option.

If you take a floor plan view and add a section it is assigned to be visible in the view regardless of what design options may be visible. If you assign the section to a specific design option then it will only appear in the view if you also make that design option visible, force the view to show the design option or assign it to be the primary option.
Did this help at all?

2007-08-19, 06:43 PM
The parameter lets you decide when view annotation is visible, all or in a specific option.

If you take a floor plan view and add a section it is assigned to be visible in the view regardless of what design options may be visible. If you assign the section to a specific design option then it will only appear in the view if you also make that design option visible, force the view to show the design option or assign it to be the primary option.
Did this help at all?

Totally. Thanks Steve. this is one of those where I sometimes forget that the symbol IS the view, for all intents and purposes. So setting visibility in the View parameters to govern visibility of the symbol was not exactly intuitive. Just more "getting my head into Revit" time needed I guess. Also, you can change this setting in a plan view, but there is no plan equivalent of a Section or Elevation symbol. Does this setting just have no impact when applied to plans?

I wonder, could you create a Design Option called Presentation, where there is actually nothing in the option, everything is main model. But now you can have all sorts of separate Presentation elevations, sections, etc? Kind of a kludge, but it might address a regular complaint I get from designers. And it proves that the underlying technology is there, so that perhaps we could get to the point of Presentation sections and Document sections, and automatic visibility of the appropriate symbols. now THAT would rock!
