View Full Version : Detail Call outs and read Sim and Typ as needed

Don Sutherland
2007-08-19, 08:40 PM
I would like to use the detail view call outs to read Sim on some details and Typ on other details, how is this done?

2007-08-20, 07:47 PM
Create a second callout and from the option bar select a referenced view. Tha callout will display the SIM symbol automatically.
You will need 2 types if you are using both (SIM and TYP) in one project.
Simply use one of the 2 types when creating the referenced details and the other that are assign to it using the above example will show the right symbol.

2007-08-21, 02:31 AM
Don, Daniel has told you correctly. You will need two different callouts, one with "Sim" as the text and one with "Typ" as the text. You would need to simply use whichever one you needed. Did you follow how to create these from Daniel's post?

2007-08-21, 02:36 AM
Skisouth probably has a killer tutorial on it... like usual. (Actually just say no so that he can post it and we can all leech it :-) )

Don Sutherland
2007-08-21, 05:36 PM
I need additional help on this.


2007-08-21, 05:53 PM
Something not working ?

Don Sutherland
2007-08-21, 09:20 PM
I have duplicated the view and one is for SIM and the other is TYP, But when I change the detail to typ, the detail shows sim in all details.

2007-08-21, 09:37 PM
Heres an example, hope it help

2007-08-21, 09:52 PM
I have duplicated the view and one is for SIM and the other is TYP, But when I change the detail to typ, the detail shows sim in all details.
Don? Are you causing problems today?
That example project should help you out a lot...just be sure your not selecting Callout - Floor Plan and use Callout - Detail View (Which can be duplicated)

Don Sutherland
2007-08-21, 11:47 PM
Where I'm having problem is when I have a detail view showing a detail ( Like at a window sill ) and at one place on the exterior elevation I have a SIM detail and at the same elevation at a different window, I have the same detail that is TYP detail.

2007-08-22, 01:06 AM
I dont think it can be both. Or you could use a different type and add SIM - TYP

2007-08-22, 03:22 AM
ok, been fooling with this for a while.

This appears to be either by design or a bug. When I can I'll send a support request question in. REF is a system parameter that refers Revit to the pre existing view you are pointing to as shown as a LABEL when editing the Detail Annotation. When the Detail call outs are not using a reference, I can make them show typical and similar as discussed. Once the box is checked to point to another view, Revit ALWAYS forces the value of the the REF parameter to ALL detail callouts. This is even when duplicated,new variable names, default text etc. I've even used symbol families etc with select boxes to try and force it and it still does it - oh well. burned enough midnight oil.

See you cats later.

2007-08-22, 03:45 AM
I opened the project that was posted and it made perfect sense, but when I try it, no go. When selecting the section tool, I duplicate the section and type in Typ. for the reference label. That way I have a section named TMC_Detail and TMC_Detail_Typ. But when selecting the TMC_Detail_Typ, then referencing a drafting view, the label does not show up and it changes back to Detail, not the Typ. one that I just created. This baffles me. I am trying to reference a drafting view. Does it not work this way or are you not able to have multiple types of details when referencing drafting views? From the sample project, I gather that you must have the detail type selected when choosing the section tool before you reference another view, and the reference label for that section type is what will show up after you have referenced another view...correct?


2007-08-22, 12:14 PM
How was the referenced view created ? SYM or TYP ?
Can you post the file ? If its too big i PM me i can set you up

2007-08-22, 02:23 PM
How was the referenced view created ? SYM or TYP ?
Can you post the file ? If its too big i PM me i can set you up

Oh, got it. I knew it had to do something with how it was created, that's why I thought I was doing the right thing by choosing which section I was using before actually referencing the other view. Even if you select the section itself after you've created it, then change it's type from the pull down menu, it goes right back to what it was. This is what was confusing me.

But I just selected the actual view itself in the project browser, hit properties, then changed the v iew type from the drop down menu from there and I am now getting what I want. Kind of a wierd way to do it if you ask me. Could be a little easier and more flexible.

Thanks for your help!

2007-08-22, 07:12 PM
Tried the posted solution and I can get it to work as I had mine working. The problem comes in if you select one of the callout styles, then select the reference other detail - you no longer have a choice of text.

2007-08-23, 02:58 AM
The reply from Tech support:


Whenever you place a callout and select the Reference Other View check box, the text "Sim" is displayed next to the callout head. You want to have a different text placed next to the callout head, but you do not want this to affect all of the callouts in the project.


To place a different text by the callout head, you need to edit the detail to which you are referring, not the new callout. Follow these steps:
Place a callout using the Callout tool from the View tab of the Design bar. Before clicking in the drawing area, select Detail View : Detail from the Type Selector, and then draw the callout bubble. Place the second callout and select the Reference Other View check box on the Options bar before drawing the bubble. Select the name of the callout view that you created in step 1 from the drop-down menu. Click the callout bubble of the first callout created, and click Properties on the Options bar. Click Edit/New, and then click Duplicate. Name the new Detail View type. In the Reference Label under Type Parameters, enter the new text that you want to be displayed next to the callout head, such as "Typ". Click OK to close each dialog box.

Now, this new Detail type can be assigned to different callouts by selecting the referenced callout bubble and then selecting the new type from the Type Selector

Now, I haven't had enough time to sit down and work through this, but thought I'd go ahead and post the answer. Still have to get this process in my mind.

Don Sutherland
2007-08-23, 03:12 AM

I'll check out tomorrow, this is a common need to have this option to show a detail has a typ or a sim condion when putting construction documents togather. I hope it works.

Thanks again.

2007-08-23, 12:10 PM
Okay. Figured out what's going on. As an architect, I want to document as completely as possible, yet draw as little as possible, thus the need for calling out a detail and refering to "simliar", or "opposite hand" etc. As this video shows, you must recreate the detail you want to reference with new text. A detail created with "SIM" as the text (per the default - Detail view) cannot be referenced with a detail view with "typical" as the text. There must be a new detail view.

You can't do what you (and I) want right now by my understanding. You want to create ONE detail, then as conditions apply in the project refer to that one detail as typical, opposite hand, similar, etc. You MUST create a new detail view for each typical, opposite hand, and similar for each detail that you want. That means a copy of each detail for each condition you wish to reference. Not what is desired.
See the attached video. (You'll have to rename the video to just ".avi" - drop the zip extension)

Edit : This is a zip file now. I thought there was a corruption issue.

2007-08-23, 12:33 PM
See the attached video. (You'll have to rename the video to just ".avi" - drop the zip extension)

Your zip file is corrupted. When I save, then try to double click, an error pops up stating it is corrupted.


2007-08-23, 12:52 PM
You need to rename to .avi

2007-08-23, 12:55 PM
got it. I renamed when saving. I was trying to save, then open and rename when un-zipping. Oops.

When it plays, it is just a black blank screen. Do I need a plug-in? Using windows media player.


2007-08-23, 01:00 PM
yes you need the techsmith codec

2007-08-23, 02:14 PM
Your zip file is corrupted. When I save, then try to double click, an error pops up stating it is corrupted.


Changed the posted AVI to be a REAL zip file. You'll have to uncompress it to get to the AVI file.
See if that helps.

oops saw too late it had already been solved. Let me know anyone needs just the avi file.

2007-08-23, 02:51 PM
I know it's not very Revit-like, but you can always leave the reference text empty and manually add text next to the callout head as neccessary.

2007-08-23, 04:08 PM
I know it's not very Revit-like, but you can always leave the reference text empty and manually add text next to the callout head as neccessary.

This is very true, and how I handle it currently. To solve this I think its a matter of adding two additional parameters (labels) to the detail view callout family - one for text, and one for visibility of that text. This would allow customization of the detail view callouts. The labels that are available appear to be all system variables (sheet number, view number etc). I tried shared parameters in the families but only could get to work at the detail view level, not a in a Detail view that references another detail.