View Full Version : new format

2007-08-20, 03:10 PM
ok, so the new format looks kind of spiffy, but I have one problem. Where did the search for new posts go?

I used to go to the overall Revit page and to "search forum" and "new posts". That would give me just the new posts in any of the Revit forums. Now the "search forum" has no option that I can see for new posts.

The only "new posts" that I see is up on the top bar next to the calendar, but that gives you the new posts from every AUGI forum. I do not want to sort through 20 pages of ADT and inventor and DWF and everything else to find the Revit posts.

Please help!

2007-08-20, 04:37 PM
ok, so the new format looks kind of spiffy, but I have one problem. Where did the search for new posts go?
Yeah, that was a very big omission. Go to this thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=744775#post744775), look for Scott Davis post about halfway down the page, where he gives a very good alternative. Nice thing about that is that you can put that in a "favorites" button on your browser toolbar, and it will take you directly to the 'new posts' page, and save a click or two.