View Full Version : Window Family- Mulled Units and tagging

2007-08-20, 10:35 PM
Hi all,

Is it possible to get a single window family - a mulled picture window and casement- to show two separate tags, one for each unit? I think this is possible with nested famiies-though I still haven't figured out how that works- but my family was created as a single frame with a structural mull inbetween a fixed pane and an operable one. The casement has an instance width parameter which allows me to study different elevations by dragging the ends while the overall size of the mulled unit remains the same size (type parameter), and it worked great for the schematic design. But, now I need to schedule the units, and of course the window manufacturer would like to have each unit called out separately. (see attached)

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I am interested in somehow calling attention to the fact the window is a mulled unit (in the schedule) and/or scheduling each part of the mulled unit as individual units.

thanks in advance.

ps. I posted this in Families forumn, but maybe that was not the right area to post?!?

2007-08-20, 10:54 PM
I'm not saving you work, but we handle that by putting in two window objects side by side. You could then do the structural mull with an in place family.

2007-08-20, 11:25 PM
Here's a sample, just model the middle portion as you want.

2007-08-21, 02:14 AM
It seems that you placed two copies of my family into a wall and tagged each one. But that doesn't really address my issue. I want the mullion to be the separation that defines two unit types within this family. As detailed, this is a combined window unit that fills one rough opening, but the window manufacturer will want two units called for in the schedule (as indicated in red- see attached image).
the problem is I don't know how to make it use two tags, though I think it is possible I will have to nest one family inside the other, in which case I have to determine how to model it so it flexes the way I want it.

thanks. That is my fall back position. I want to flex my muscles and try todo something more sophisticated using the programs tools/capabilities. I suspect nesting families is one possible solution.

2007-08-21, 02:29 AM
oops...here is image

2007-08-21, 02:34 AM
Simply model the mullion in the middle and attach the window on each side to a ref plane.

2007-08-21, 03:58 AM
Am I missing something? I fail to see how that will enable the casement (operable unit) and the picture (fixed unit) to tag separately.

I realized that i copied this family from the AutoDesk website, and then modified it to suit my particular needs. However, this family only receives one tag. I want two. My question originally, is how to do just that. Got any more insight?

2007-08-21, 01:13 PM
If you need to tag all 3 parts, nest all three and make sure they are shared families (Under Settings, Family & Parameters)

2007-08-21, 01:20 PM
Am I missing something? I fail to see how that will enable the casement (operable unit) and the picture (fixed unit) to tag separately.

I realized that i copied this family from the AutoDesk website, and then modified it to suit my particular needs. However, this family only receives one tag. I want two. My question originally, is how to do just that. Got any more insight?

The issue with the family as designed is that it is wto winodws inside of a window family. Therefore to Revit there are three windows. The two individualy windows and then the assembled window. This can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on what you want to do. You can tag it as a window assembly. Or hit tab and tag the nested items. On the schedule you will get all three windows listed, which can be a bit misleading.

To prevent the assembly from schduling, use a generic family. Just open the file and Settings > Family Category and Parameters > Generic Model. Then only the nested windows will schedule. If you wanted to then schedule the assembly, you could use a multi-category schadule (and tag).