View Full Version : 3 Questions

2007-08-21, 05:21 PM
1. When you create a door without door tags, is there any way to go back and put them in later or do you just have to re-insert the doors?

2. If I attach a colume to a level line using the attach command, is there any way to UN attach the column after I change the height of it by moving the level height.

3. Can a radial array be set to non-rotating?

Just a few questions that have come up in a Revit Architecture class I'm teaching.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Matt H
2007-08-21, 05:55 PM

1. Yes, two different ways. In the detail menu (left side) button, there are two tools, "TAG" and "TAG ALL NOT TAGGED". You want "BY Catagory" if you select TAG

2. Yes, click the column and selected "DETACH" @ the top of the screen and pick either detach all, or click the object it is attached to, to detach it.

3. Not very sure... my guess is, i don't think so.

2007-08-21, 07:38 PM

1. Yes, two different ways. In the detail menu (left side) button, there are two tools, "TAG" and "TAG ALL NOT TAGGED". You want "BY Catagory" if you select TAG

2. Yes, click the column and selected "DETACH" @ the top of the screen and pick either detach all, or click the object it is attached to, to detach it.

3. Not very sure... my guess is, i don't think so.

Thanks a bunch Matt, the tag all was what I was looking for. On the 2nd one, that one is buggy for me on this drawing. It's from Ascent courseware and just doesn't want to cooperate.

Thanks again for your help.

2007-08-21, 07:58 PM
3. Not that I know of

2007-08-21, 09:35 PM
What exactly is a non-rotating radial array?

Scott D Davis
2007-08-21, 09:39 PM
What exactly is a non-rotating radial array?

I assume its radial, but the object being arrayed stays "orthagonal" meaning the object itself doesn't rotate as its being arrayed.

2007-08-21, 09:45 PM
I don't believe it's possible in Revit. From memory that wasn't possible in AutoCAD either. I would simply radially array a drafting line giving you your placement locations. Then you can grab your object, copy it into place quickly by snapping to the the lines' endpoints. (Check the "multiple copy" checkbox). ;)

Brian Myers
2007-08-22, 06:53 PM
From memory that wasn't possible in AutoCAD either. Actually, you can do it in AutoCAD. In the Array dialog box there is a little check box that say "Rotate items as copied"... you just uncheck it.

But this is one of those drafting tasks (if you want to call it a drafting task) that Revit doesn't do. But its pretty easy to accomplish with workarounds. :beer:

2007-09-22, 07:36 PM
I need your help, I am trying to do a radial array but i can not get it to follow the radial path or wall. Here is a link to a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP_nuJHhNdo
i made of how i am trying to accomplish this task please let me know what am i doing wrong here.

Scott D Davis
2007-09-22, 08:11 PM
I need your help, I am trying to do a radial array but i can not get it to follow the radial path or wall. Here is a link to a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP_nuJHhNdo
i made of how i am trying to accomplish this task please let me know what am i doing wrong here.

You are dragging the center of rotation of the array to the endpoint of the arc, so its using that point as the center. Drag the rotation symbol as you did, but type SC (snap center) as you do and drop the rotation symbol on the arc'd wall. This will make the rotation the center point of the arc'd wall. Then pick the endpoints of both ends of the arc as start and finish of the array.

2007-09-22, 08:30 PM
wow, that was amazing. I spent the past three days trying to figure this out but couldn't. I read the user guide it didnt make any sense.

Thanks You Scott, you have saved me a lot of headache not to mention time.

2007-09-22, 08:32 PM
You are dragging the center of rotation of the array to the endpoint of the arc, so its using that point as the center. Drag the rotation symbol as you did, but type SC (snap center) as you do and drop the rotation symbol on the arc'd wall. This will make the rotation the center point of the arc'd wall. Then pick the endpoints of both ends of the arc as start and finish of the array.

wow, that was amazing. I spent the past three days trying to figure this out but couldn't. I read the user guide it didnt make any sense.

Thanks You Scott, you have saved me a lot of headache not to mention time.

2007-09-23, 03:36 AM
wow, that was amazing. I spent the past three days trying to figure this out but couldn't. I read the user guide it didnt make any sense.

Thanks You Scott, you have saved me a lot of headache not to mention time.
:shock: Leaping Lizards.....deja vu!

Scott D Davis
2007-09-23, 05:16 AM
I spent the past three days....

You should have come here and asked that question 2.5 days ago.... ;-)

2007-09-23, 06:14 AM
You should have come here and asked that question 2.5 days ago.... ;-)

I am just getting into this whole Revit Revolution, and yes I am a little late but getting there slowly but surely with this forums help. You will be hearing a lot from sometimes asking stupid questions. I don't like the user manual that comes with Revit, maybe its just me but it doesn't make any sense.

Thanks again for you quick reply to my previous question.
