View Full Version : Tagging component elevations.

2007-08-21, 09:11 PM
So, I'm a little at a loss on this one. I figured that there had to be a topic on the forums, but no luck searching...

I have an electrical outlet. I want to tag it in plans with it's elevation above the level. This parameter is part of the outlet family. "Elevation." However, I cannot find said parameter in the tag family, nor can I seem to do anything to get it there.


I can create an invisible line in the outlet family from the bottom of the outlet to the floor level, I can lock/align it to the floor. I can then dimension the placement height as needed, give it a shared parameter, and tag that parameter. Of course, now I have to place that outlet and align it to the floor each time if I want that dimension to mean something in the model, or I have to set a height and then change the "Elevation" parameter to 0'-0" after each time I change it. Not exactly user friendly considering the functionality is already built in, just apparently not taggable.

What gives? Am I just making this too complicated???


2007-08-22, 03:10 PM

I just can't imagine that someone else hasn't wanted to tag a component's height off a level before. Is there any way? Can you create a parameter in the family and somehow link it to the "built in" elevation parameter?


2007-08-22, 08:08 PM
Other than making a dumby schedule with a custom shared parameter that is manually filled in to match the scheduled elevation, I can't think of a way... and that assumes that we can schedule the height of the outlet in the first place.

I do this for quite a few things and actually sort of like it... sometimes what is in the model or what might be calculated from the model isn't what you need to show in the drawings (like the area of a series of office that are "supposed" to be the same but are actually slightly different...)

2008-10-30, 10:39 PM
Just found a solution for this problem ! Since searching the forums gave no results, I´ve been playing aroundwith it, and came up with a solution to "trick" the standard "elevation" parameter, so that it´s just left to "0", and instead beeing able to control the placement height with a shared parameter,, so that I can now tag and schedule the placement height ;-)
I´m posting my test families (both fixture and tag) - feel free to grab it :-)

2008-10-31, 01:01 PM
I believe that was what Kelly was suggesting with the Shared Parameter and leaving the Elevation at 0'-0"... But i havent opened your test families.

I had never noticed that you couldnt do it though, thats funny! I guess thats the only intelligent solution, replacing ti with a shared parameter. I do that with our Line Based Families too, since the default param Length isnt shared.

So i say LENGTH = Length, and call it a day...

2010-04-29, 08:26 PM
Just found a solution for this problem ! Since searching the forums gave no results, I´ve been playing aroundwith it, and came up with a solution to "trick" the standard "elevation" parameter, so that it´s just left to "0", and instead beeing able to control the placement height with a shared parameter,, so that I can now tag and schedule the placement height ;-)
I´m posting my test families (both fixture and tag) - feel free to grab it :-)

This is awesome!! I have been trying to firgure this one out for awhile... Thanks so much for posting the families. I am changing them for US and will post them when I get them up to speed.

In the meantime, does anyone know how to get the height tag to show the elevation in inches instead of feet and inches?

Thanks! R

2010-04-29, 09:44 PM
Sends a Hello to Rebecca from Dallas. :)