View Full Version : Curious Behavior - Wall Height affects cut

2004-08-06, 05:25 PM
I've come accross something that I find curious, but actually a good thing in my opinion

When you have a wall whose top exactly meets the cut plane you can choose if it gets cut or not. If the wall is defined as explicitly 4' high with the base at view level and no offset it will display as if it were not cut (simply outlined from top). However, if you define the top of the wall as "up to level: level 1" with a top offset of 4' it will display as cut even though it is the exact same wall geometrically.

Has anyone else noticed this or know if it was intentional?

On further inspection, it only seems to be a little random in determining if the wall is cut or not when it is set to explicit height, anyone have any insights?

2004-08-06, 05:28 PM
This has been discussed; I'm not sure if anyone said if it was intentional; others looked at it as a work-around in some circumstances.

2004-08-06, 05:31 PM
interesting, just wondering. thanks for the quick reply

2004-08-06, 05:43 PM
Check HERE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=1033&highlight=wall) too...