View Full Version : Curtain walls jonction

2007-08-23, 06:29 PM
Hi everyone. I don't fully understand how the curtain walls join together. I drew those using the Curtain Wall type with an offset of 90mm. How do I get these to join??


Dimitri Harvalias
2007-08-23, 07:01 PM
You should be able to trim them just as you can any other wall type.
If that does not wrok you can select the wall and use the blue grip to edit the wall end point

2007-08-23, 07:13 PM
I did try to trim them together. Tell me where the dashed green line should be. Mine is along the exterior wall and I entered an offset of 90mm. Is it the correct way to do it?

2007-08-31, 02:42 PM
There is realy something I don't understand on how you draw a curtain wall.
I'm desperate on this one.

2007-08-31, 03:01 PM
Hey there,

You need to do a few things to make this clean up.
First, add your frames.
Then, you need to tab through the curtain wall until you get to "panel". This is where you can adjust how the glass panel sits relative to both the curtain wall control and the frames. (It also lets you pick your glass style and material, set it to an entrance door unit or empty panel, render material and thickness etc.)

Good luck,
(Be patient, this is not easy for anyone who is learning Revit)

2007-08-31, 03:14 PM
Thanks Steven. Tell me something. When you define your cutain wall, you want the glazing to offset a few inches inside. Wher do you enter this condition. Offset the wall? offset the glazing and mullions?

2007-08-31, 03:26 PM
Hey there,
I don't offset the curtain wall horizontally. I put it where I want it. I set the glass offset by setting the "panel" where I want it relative to the aluminum framing. This is typically where you choose whether you are using "curtain wall" or "storefront alumimun systems".
Adjusting the frame mullions has the same effect too. You can set the offset there too; however, you have to play with it for a while to see which way works best for your situation. I usually start with the curtain walls location. Then I set the mullion's properties to locate the panel, then I set the panel's properties.
Good luck

2007-08-31, 05:56 PM
Thank you Steven. It was clear enough so I could apply it right away.
Worked perfectly.