View Full Version : Filled region not showing

2007-08-23, 10:03 PM
I'm having a problem with filled regions on one of my floor plans. When I place a filled region, it either shows up solid white or solid grey (128, 128, 128), no matter what the pattern is. And, it's only on one of my floor plans. Might there be a setting that shows them normally? i looked through my VG settings and everything looks right there.

2007-08-24, 12:27 AM
Do you mean that regardless of the fill that you select, it always shows up solid white or solid gray?

2007-08-24, 01:47 PM
Yes. The only one that shows up grey is solid black. All others (at least the dozen or so I tried) show up white, like a masking region does. I went back and looked in the view graphics, and I didn't find a category for filled regions, so I am not even sure how it's graphics are controlled.

2007-08-24, 02:15 PM
A filled region is on its own graphically. You control all of its graphic properties through its own properties. The Region Properties is where you control the fill and create new fill types and the line weight is set in a radio box on the options bar. If the fill is black then it is because it is being defined as black. It is possible to have a fill called diagonal down that is defined as solid black because the type name is just a name and doesn't actually set the fill pattern. You have to edit the fill type to set the pattern. Once you have drawn a filled region you can select it then select the properties button on the options bar and change the region fill to another type or define a new type and set that as the fill. Hope this helps.

2007-08-24, 02:29 PM
Thanks for the reply, but that's not it. I have filled regions on other floor plans and they show up correct with the selected hatch pattern. The same hatch pattern I selected on the floor plan that is not showing up correctly. Could it be a bug?

2007-08-24, 05:18 PM
This happened to me yesterday....It was the oddest thing. I was able to fix it though by selecting and applying a different fill then selecting the one I did want to use. But yeah, it was solid gray when my fill was supposed to be stacked stone.

2007-08-30, 07:20 PM
... I went back and looked in the view graphics, and I didn't find a category for filled regions, so I am not even sure how it's graphics are controlled.

Filled regions are controlled by the Detail Items category in Model category tab in VG. Pls check this to see someone has fiddled with this.

2007-09-07, 02:09 PM
Was a solution found for this? I seem to be having a similar problem except that NO hatch patterns are showing at all. (No grey, only solid white)
The same hatch patterns in the same filled region show up just fine in another view (copied from a section view and pasted into a floor plan view).
I find no "filled region" controls in the Detail Items in VG. I've switched to every hatch pattern with the same filled region.
::Edit:: I was able to fix it by applying a view template created from the view that worked properly and then resetting the scale and detail level but I'd really like to know what the problem was so that I don't have to fix it incorrectly the next time.

2008-11-04, 04:55 PM
Has anyone been able to come up with a solution to this problem?

I have filled regions in a project that were working previously, but now only show as solid white, and I haven't been able to figure out why.

Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!

Edit: My issue called for a simple solution: Surface Patters (under Detail Items in Visibility Graphics) were hidden. When I un-hid them, the problem was solved!

2009-03-12, 12:42 AM
I'm getting the same thing. Has anyone figured this out yet?


2009-05-01, 06:53 PM
Two things to check:
1. Is the view in Wireframe mode or Hidden Line? (Wireframe turns Opaque filled regions to Transparent.)
2. What is the view Scale? (Revit turns the region white if it is "too dense".)

2009-05-07, 08:58 PM
I believe the issue these guys are referring to is the fact that in the typical first floor plan view the floor patterns do not show. The only solution that I found to work is:

1. Go into a plan view that displays the pattern correctly.
2. Create a view template of it with a unique name.
3. Apply the new view template to the first floor plan view.

This works and I haven't been able to find a setting or any alternative to this solution.

2014-11-25, 09:19 AM
Hey Folks

Had the same issue, although reading through this it seems like there might be two separate issues with similar problems.

Mine was caused my using a template someone else had set up, which overrode the graphics on all of my detail items. Fixed it by doing the following:

Visual / Graphics - Model Categories (not annotation, for some reason) - Detail Items - The Projection/Surface patterns for ALL detail items were overridden with a grey line, removing this override fixed it for me.

Hope that helps somebody. Apologies if I'm just being captain obvious.

Revit 2015 FYI, not sure if that makes a difference.

2014-11-26, 10:29 AM
I get this too. I've found that if the hatch gets too 'white', it doesn't display. So I keep them darker. I just assumed it was a display glitch as Revit used to have a few of them. As it happens, its probably good practice not to have hatches too light anyway....

2015-02-27, 04:12 PM
I've inherited a model and was pulling my hair out when copying filled regions or creating new ones ended up as black.

Turned out it was down to this, with override set as black.


Hope this helps anyone with a similar issue

2015-04-20, 03:45 AM
I have had this problem but I 'fixed' it by instead of having 1 Filled Region for the area (in my case it was a Quadrant of a circle, in a symbol) if you break down the Filled Region it improved, but didn't totally fix.

It may help if you break up your Filled Region