View Full Version : Meet the Revit Design Team

David Conant
2004-08-06, 08:26 PM
A delegation from the Factory will be attending the next Bay Area Revit Users Group meeting on Tuesday Aug. 17. We want to see what you have been doing with our baby, and talk about how it is changing your business.
Package up your best work, save the date and stay tuned for more specifics.

2004-08-06, 08:43 PM

Do you know if a web cast will be available for the event? Us folks here on the east coast would really like to be a part of this.

2004-08-07, 02:54 AM

when will a delegation from the Factory be visiting Oz ??? Just before AU seems like a perfect time :wink:

2004-08-07, 08:33 AM

when will a delegation from the Factory be visiting Oz ??? Just before AU seems like a perfect time :wink:
They do vist. Reasonably often. But they don't allow Dave out of the workshop. :wink:

2004-08-07, 02:59 PM
Hi there,

I wish I could attend; however, that is a bid far away. (Tucson, AZ)
We just had our local Revit User Group Meeting last Wednesday and had an Auto Desk salesperson and Randy (sorry, can't remember his last name) who is a Revit developer from before release 1.

It was as educational for us as it was surprising to him I think. I wish we could do that more. We once had a Revit developer present via a conference call too. That was good, but in person is better.

Enjoy Bay Area Revit Users!
Steve Shell
PS My dad is from Petaluma, CA. Love that whole area!

Scott D Davis
2004-08-07, 04:00 PM

Send 'em down to WATG Thursday evening the 19th for the SCRUG! As long as they are in California, might as well drop by! Contact Balding for info.....

2004-08-07, 11:54 PM
A 2 part post:

1. Don't underestimate David. The factory allows him out once a year. For instance, he was allowed to attend AU last year. Hmmmm, though I never thought to ask if he was "supposed" to be there and he was always looking around the room. Verrrryyyy Interesting.

2. You guys with LUGs are lucky. If I organized a Local Revit User Group around here, we could hold it in a closet. I think there are only a couple of us. And we talk to each other all the time already. Not much of a support system. Why do you think I spend so much time in this forum ;-) ?

Wes Macaulay
2004-08-08, 08:52 PM
So David - don't suppose you can't get to RELM (http://www.pat.ca/relm), huh? I would love to see a thread on here with the bios of the development team. There's a lot of interesting stuff in Revit's history, I don't doubt. I've thought about some sort of video documentary for those of us who would love watching something like this.