View Full Version : Showing hidden lines of in-place families

Steve Mintz
2007-08-28, 11:13 PM
1) In-place families often do not show their hidden lines
2) The show and remove hidden line tools are disabled when one of the following is true:

a) View discipline = structural
b) Graphics style = hidden line

(Seems a little silly, doesn't it.....)

Well now you can get your hidden lines

1. Your hidden lines don't show! (Picture 1)
2. When view discipline = 'Structural', the tools are disabled (Picture 2)
3. Switch the view discipline => 'Architectural', and the tools are enabled (Picture 3)
4. Apply the hidden lines by first clicking the object you want to see through, then the object you want to see (Picture 4)
5. Switch the view discipline back to 'Structural' (Picture 5). Note that this setting is necessary to once again show the beam hidden by the column.

Happy reviting!

2007-09-20, 10:34 PM
I haven’t tried this in in-place families. But it works for your detail and section views.
Type WF to enter wire frame mode, the hidden line buttons are now available, type HL to return to hidden line mode.


2007-10-11, 01:46 PM
This is a great workaround! I just used this to show inplace concrete beams. I will continue to use this method with in-place curved concrete members until Autodesk allows cutting of concrete members or allows us access to this hidden line tool without swapping view types.
...we can cut steel, precast concrete, other, why not concrete???