View Full Version : Conflict - Using Phases for Legend Views

2007-08-29, 05:23 PM
So I've happily gone about using a Schedule/Legend phase for legends (door, window, wall) so that I can annotate as in this thread http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=45337.

However, now I'm working on a project with actual phases, so when I set the Phase Filter to Show Previous + New, the objects from my legends are showing. I'm just starting to explore phases more in depth now, but has anyone run into this and discovered a better solution?


Justin Marchiel
2007-08-29, 05:27 PM
did you make a phase that was before the existing phase? and maybe you just need to make a filter that justs shows new, and not previous?

It depends on how you set up your phases and filters.


2007-08-29, 05:35 PM
The "Schedule" phase is before the existing phase. So in a plan where I want to show the existing building + new construction, I've set the filter to "Show Previous + New," and since the "schedule" phase is a previous phase, it shows up.

What if I moved the "Schedule" phase to be after "New Construction". Does anyone foresee any problems with that, including if I had multiple phases of new construction?

2007-08-29, 05:57 PM
If you're going to use the technique that they talk about in that thread, I would suggest making sure the "phase" is at the very end of the list not the beginning. Since it's a "phase" that never exists as a phase in construction, it shouldn't be "built" before existing.
Maybe I'm the constant nay-sayer, but boy-oh-boy do I NOT like that trick. There are things in my mind that should not be automated and this work-around to automate pulls the wool over anyone's eyes that might have to come in and work the project after the fact. Phases and phase filters have an easy to understand logic and are manageable, yes. But, a large amount of Revit users get very confused when they have to "deal" with them since it's not something that must be handled often. Setting up a "trick" that involves phases and filters is a dangerous thing in my mind.


2007-08-29, 06:09 PM
Maybe I'm the constant nay-sayer, but boy-oh-boy do I NOT like that trick.

I'm usually not one for tricks either - but this is one case where I think the benefits outweigh the risks. When I do a partition schedule, I want to note each material in a wall assembly and tag each assembly type. So I set up material parameters correctly so that 5/8" gypsum board reads as " 5/8" Gyp Bd". Now I'm not going to have one person manually type in a legend view " 5/8" GWB" and another " 5/8" Gypsum Board."

Same goes for tagging assembly types. If the project manager decides that what I labeled as Wall Type 1A should actually be 3C I don't have to worry about coordinating the legend with the parameters in my wall types.

I think this warrants using a workaround where I can accurately tag based on parameters rather than just typing in text boxes and not have to worry about manual coordination.

Like I said, I've never done a project with real phases before. Now that I have one, I'll move the "Schedules" phase to the end, and hopefully I don't run into problems down the road.

EDIT: Ok - I made a mistake here. You can tag materials in a legend view. However, you can't tag legend components, which leads to the coordination problem I mentioned above about Wall Type 1A becoming 3C.

2007-08-29, 06:32 PM
I'm confused.

I understand the "tagging the assemblies" comment but how does this technique keep one person from noting the tricked section/partition legend differently than the next person? It seems to me whether you have a true legend that is noted or a sectional view of pieces of walls in a phase that doesn't really exist you'd have the same issues. In fact, if you want to pull the tricked section/legend to multiple sheets (not that you would) you'd have more issues than if it were a true legend.

Am I not getting the technique right?

This is possibly something that could also be partially solved with keynotes if the keynoting feature was a bit more parametric.

2007-08-29, 07:23 PM
Sorry, I should have been a bit more clear. I actually use material tags that read the material description parameter. So when I said I was noting each material in the assembly, I'm actually tagging it. Therefore all the tags read the parameter.