View Full Version : Slllooooowww

2007-08-30, 05:55 PM
Does anyone else have problems with 2008 reacting slowly to simply commands? All my guys are reporting slow operations. Never had the problem with 9.1. Well once and a while. But Just to delete some drafting lines takes over a minute for Revit to think about it. Any suggestions?

2007-08-30, 07:49 PM
thats usually a graphics card issue. Try different open gl settings or turning hardware accelleration off.

2007-08-30, 07:57 PM
Ya I had a few guys try that and it doesn't help. Another example, just changing a few numbers on my door Schedule and for a minute the whole program freezes and I get the (NOT RESPONDING) across the very top of the menu bar. This is getting very frustrating.

2007-08-30, 08:15 PM
Could you have some sort of plague interfering with general computer functions?
Have you looked at the task manager & all the running processes & usage values consumed? Also CPU performance in task manager will show you if there's anything left in the well.
Good luck.

2007-08-30, 08:18 PM
Could you have some sort of plague interfering with general computer functions?
Have you looked at the task manager & all the running processes & usage values consumed? Also CPU performance in task manager will show you if there's anything left in the well.
Good luck.

Not sure about a virus or plague, My computer usage is down to 0% to 1%. So it appears if my well is pretty full.

2007-08-30, 08:18 PM
Ya I had a few guys try that and it doesn't help. Another example, just changing a few numbers on my door Schedule and for a minute the whole program freezes and I get the (NOT RESPONDING) across the very top of the menu bar. This is getting very frustrating.

Check the available space on the hard drive. I have seen drives fill up, start shrinking the size of the swap file, and slowness ensues, until the crashing starts.

Also consider doing a defrag. A really fragmented drive can also cause problems.


2007-08-30, 08:26 PM
We also had that issue. It was a matter of server being to slow for the rest

2007-08-30, 08:30 PM
Not sure about a virus or plague, My computer usage is down to 0% to 1%. So it appears if my well is pretty full.

Are you working in a local file, or off of a file on the network? I like using central/local files even when only one person is working on the file. You get the speed of the local drive, with the safety of network backup.


2007-08-30, 09:09 PM
Are you working in a local file, or off of a file on the network? I like using central/local files even when only one person is working on the file. You get the speed of the local drive, with the safety of network backup.


I'm working on the local file. The computers are all brand new. Disk space shouldn't be an issue at all. I have 130 Gigs of space available. Could a slow server effect my local file some how? Even though I'm working in a local file? I'm sure it has something to do with a setting on the new computer and 2008. Never had the problem this bad with the older version of Revit.

2007-08-30, 09:44 PM
Do you have any imported/linked DWG files?

Are your guys keeping hidden windows closed?

Those are issues that we have noticed slowing our computers.

2007-08-30, 09:58 PM

I have had this wierd slow down related issue on 2 autanimous computers running local files as well. It was/is frustrting to me because so many have not heard of this issue, and it has lingered with me since rel 9.1. I have tried everything, from killing the communication center in the registry, to support, to umpteen settings in the graphics. So far, nothing has helped. Although I don't seem to get it as much as in 9.1, it did happened only yesterday.

Any fresh updated information on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Good Luck and thanks.

2007-08-30, 10:00 PM
Do you have any imported/linked DWG files?

Are your guys keeping hidden windows closed?

Those are issues that we have noticed slowing our computers.

I have a few windows open, but for the most part keep them all closed, Nothing imported that I'm aware of.

2007-08-30, 11:47 PM
New computers and fresh installs... Out of curiousity, do you all have administrator rights on your systems? FOmr some odd reason, ive noticed Revit reallllly slows down if im logged in to my machine as smeone else, who doesnt have admin privileges...

2007-08-31, 01:23 AM
One user setups on my machines

2007-08-31, 01:47 AM
Also check your tools>review warnings> some kind of warnings if left un fixed can cause significant performance issues. The other issues are dwgs. try unloading all of them. Area boundaries and files with many rooms seem to slow to a crawl. Schedules with heavy calculated values and many rooms also slow it down.

One other thing is with worksets and a bad network you'll see slow down because even with your local file every time you pick on an object revit has to check the central to see if you can borrow it. so try checking out all the worksets and see if that is ithe issue. Thats a sure fire way to test your network.

2007-08-31, 03:31 PM
So we have 7 computers hooked to our server, Only 3 of us seem to be having a real issue. One computer that I would think would have the most problems (local hard drive space) is the one that's working the best. So the server could be an issue. 1 of the computers that's having the problem is one of our older computers (1 year old) The other 2 are only a few months old. They are all running Window's XP. I'm gonna talk to our Tech guy and see what he thinks, but he doesnt' really know how Revit works (yet).

Brian Myers
2007-08-31, 03:47 PM
Do you have this issue with all your Revit files or just this project?

2007-08-31, 04:27 PM
Do you have this issue with all your Revit files or just this project?

Different projects. The 3 of us having problems are working on 3 different projects.

2007-09-01, 05:23 AM
We have a file that oscillated between 80 and 120 MB, and it was acting up a little and responding really slowly too. We narrowed this performance down to a couple of section views that had been spilt in plan. Creating new sections in exactly the same place without the split seemed to sort out the problem.