View Full Version : CURTAIN SYSTEM TAG

2007-08-31, 06:31 PM
What am I missing here?

There is a listing in View Graphics/Visibility for a "Curtain System Tag" under the 'Annotations' tab.
But I can not find one nor create one it seems. If I create or modify a tag, there is no category for "Curtain System Tag".
If I can create one, then tagging my elevated storefronts will become a breeze.

The closest I can come is a Wall Tag that picks up 'Mark', but then I can't categorically turn off walls in the elevated view so that only my storefront and its system tag are the only items to be visible.

I'm hoping it's one of those "doh!" moments on a harried Friday.....


2007-09-05, 11:38 AM
No response?

Ski, Steve, Luigi, Aaron, Dimitri, Wes, Kyle, BeeGee, Scott, (multiples), dbald, somebody?


p.s. apologies if I slighted anyone by leaving off their name!

2007-09-05, 01:22 PM
What are you trying to achieve ? Tagging Curtain walls ? If so which properties, the mark one ?
If you want to turn off some walls (Basic) and not others (Curtain) use a filter in your view

2007-09-05, 02:51 PM
There is a Curtain Panel Tag family under the Annotation/Architectural folder in the Revit library. Seems to work just fine.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-09-05, 03:05 PM
As James suggested, the only option available is a wall tag or a curtain panel tag.
I believe what you're after is something you can use to create a curtain wall schedule :?: and, unfortunately, until we can elevate and tag wall types in a legnd view there is no easy, automatic way to do this. You are stuck with either dumb tags or a number of cropped elevation views.

(PS I seem to be missing a lot of posts with the way the new forum is set up; even with Scott's little 'new posts' trick.)

2007-09-05, 04:18 PM
i still dont use Legend for that purpose, you can't tag. I use a phase before the project for legend, you can do anything and it works very well. I only use legend for text stuff that i want to use on multiple sheets.

2007-09-05, 05:38 PM
Dimitri is closest to what I am trying to achieve. I want to have elevated views of all storefront/curtain walls, and be able to tag them in plan and elevation.
A wall tag will not work because I need to turn off all objects except for storefront/curtain wall.

Again, there is a listing for "Curtain System Tag" in the Visibility Graphics dialog, but no such beast in the templates, and I find no way to create one.


2007-09-05, 05:52 PM
Maybe i don't get it but it's seem to work fine for me

2007-09-06, 11:14 AM
It appears that you still have the "walls" category visible. I need to have ONLY the storefront/curtain walls showing.

BTW, is that a 'curtain system tag' or wall tag that I see on the elevation?


2008-06-04, 06:47 PM
I just googled this issue and am in the same boat as the captain - cannot find the curtain SYSTEM tag, only the Panels... I could certainly use the Curtain Panel tags if they work like the window tags and generate legend views etc. - though the last example denotes CW1 and seems to point to the system - how'd you do that? My tests only tag the panes, i.e. glazing.

any new info out there?

2008-06-05, 12:45 AM
I read this thread in diagonal and missed Dimitri answer.
Just edited (erased) my post.
No news for TC

2008-06-05, 01:56 PM
Yeah that is odd. If you tag a curtain wall the tag is actually a wall tag and if you turn off walls (but leave curtain walls on) the tag for the curtain wall also disappears (even though the wall & curtain wall tag categories are still on... !) :?

2008-06-24, 11:45 PM
any new ideas or clarity on the earlier example? does a curtain system tag exist and is there a way to generate a legend?

2008-10-08, 09:04 AM
as i found out for taging curtain systems you need to use a multicategory tag. but creating it also doesnt work good.. :( does anyone have any new ideas?..

2009-06-29, 05:51 PM
Any new thoughts on tagging curtain walls? I want to be able to give the storefront system a tag (like I do with windows) but Revit wants to tag either the panels or the wall associated with it. I too cannot find the "curtain system tag" in the system. Any help?? Thanks!

Scott Womack
2009-06-29, 06:21 PM
I created a different shaped Wall tag, then under Project PArameters, I Added a Curtainwall Type Parameter, and applied it to all walls. I only fill it out for curtainwalls and Storefronts. I modified the special shaped, wall tag to read this value, and then renamed the family to Curtainwall tag. By carefully tabbing, in plan, I can can tag the curtainwall outer boundary, by catagory, then select the tag, and change it to the curtainwall tag, and there it is. We do not schedule them, but create an elevation at 1/4" for each one, and dimension on those. I also tag the curtainwall panels on those elevations for glazing types.

2009-06-29, 06:22 PM
I know I just posted a question, but I answered it myself and thought I would pass it along. To schedule curtain walls like you would windows you use a wall tag with the text tied back to the "mark". Then, make a wall schedule and filter out curtain walls (if you fiter by description you can do this, you can't filter by family).

2011-02-04, 05:00 PM
@Daniel and @James Van:

Just like captainbunsaver, I cannot find a "Curtain System Tag" in (my) Revit Library/Annotation/Architectural....I can find "Curtain Panel Tag", but I don't think that's what we're looking for.

2011-02-04, 05:12 PM
@Daniel and @James Van:

Just like captainbunsaver, I cannot find a "Curtain System Tag" in (my) Revit Library/Annotation/Architectural....I can find "Curtain Panel Tag", but I don't think that's what we're looking for.

It's a wall tag.... We have modified a wall tag to look like a window tag for our curtain systems...

Welcome btw....and thanks for using the search first... ;)

2011-02-04, 05:28 PM
...the problem with what Dmitri and James Van are suggesting is that I think what captainbunsaver is looking for is a way to tag each individual storefront or curtainwall frame with a different identifier (i.e., "F1" thru "FXX", each unique per the shape, size, and mullion arrangement of each storefront or curtainwall assembly). the Curtain Panel Tag does not do this (unless you were to make a duplicate panel in each assembly that would tag differently--in which case one might as well use a whole bunch of duplicated wall types)

2011-02-04, 05:33 PM
Yes, you have to create multiple curtain walls....or you create a curtainwalltype something wall parameter that is an instance and make your tag use the same....

BTW.....you did notice this post is over 3 years old...? Haven't seen James or captain on here for quite some time...

2011-11-18, 04:58 PM
The one work around to tagging a curtain system is to grab all of the mullions and create an "Assembly" with them. Then you can tag the assembly, with an assembly tag. I am working in RAC2012. I tried to acutally grab the curtain system itself along with a mullion to create the assembly, but curtain systems are not allowed to be a part of an assembly.