View Full Version : Locking Sweeps

2007-08-31, 06:47 PM
I'm trying to create a column that has a sweep at the top and base and want to be able to have a height adjusement build in. But the sweep I have won't move up or down when I change the height of the column. Is it not possible to have a sweep's position change? I also need it to change from a 10" column to 12" column also if need be. Am I missing a step?

2007-08-31, 07:03 PM
Do you have it locked to a grid which maybe moves left to right instead of up and down? Because then you could unlock it and it should move up, down, left, right, or wherever you want it to. You can also customize the family do whatever size you want in the family editor so that whenever you want to switch it you just go to the family dialog box and select the 12" instead of the 10". This will choose your 12" with its own custom dimensions instead of the 10" with its own custom dimensions.

2007-08-31, 08:31 PM
Do you have it locked to a grid which maybe moves left to right instead of up and down? Because then you could unlock it and it should move up, down, left, right, or wherever you want it to. You can also customize the family do whatever size you want in the family editor so that whenever you want to switch it you just go to the family dialog box and select the 12" instead of the 10". This will choose your 12" with its own custom dimensions instead of the 10" with its own custom dimensions.

No it's not locked to anything at the moment. I'm trying to create a parameter under Family Types so when I have the column 8 feet its at 8 feet and have it move down if I want it to be 7 feet ect. I just can't get the sweep to adjust with the column it's self.

2007-08-31, 08:34 PM
You can lock the sweep in the family. Place a reference plane first. Then edit the sweep. Dimension the sweep path to the reference plane. Lock it. (lock the reference plane obviously to the location you want all adjustments of the sweep made in "reference" to.)

2007-08-31, 08:51 PM
You can lock the sweep in the family. Place a reference plane first. Then edit the sweep. Dimension the sweep path to the reference plane. Lock it. (lock the reference plane obviously to the location you want all adjustments of the sweep made in "reference" to.)

Okay I got it. I was copying old Sweeps. I started a new one and it now works. Thanks. I love it when a plan comes together.

2007-09-01, 05:13 AM
The very best way to get a sweep to follow another bit of simple geometry is to use the PICk path tool, as opposed to the SKETCh path tool. Works great!

2007-09-01, 12:40 PM
Good deal.Glad you got it working. Just a reminder, you CAN copy sweeps and use them. After copying the sweep though, edit the newly copied sweep and dimension to the path as discussed. (Can save time in creating by using copies).

2015-01-04, 08:49 AM
Okay I got it. I was copying old Sweeps. I started a new one and it now works. Thanks. I love it when a plan comes together.

Even i can struggling with the same thing. I had done pick 3D edges earlier and the sweep wouldnt move up or down whastoever. then i remade the sweep with sketch path and it worked. i think it has got something to do with 2 things: copying another sweep and using pick path vs sketch path. Revit has too many donts which frustrate a logical user. Ideally the rules for any 3d element creation should be simpler and more than 1 way should work . but somehow Revit programmers dont seem to agree with this.
Another issue with revit is that it wont TELL me what the exact problem is so that i can resolve it as it wants. WHY ARE REVIT MAKERS NOT LOOKING INTO THIS ?