View Full Version : Custom Symbols and Graphic Wall Schedule

2004-08-09, 01:20 AM
2 weeks until my first set of revit drawings go out and I need help!

I have 2 problems (at least for now)
1. I am trying to create a custom annotation symbol for labeling room finishes using a generic annotation family. The problems that I am having are I need to have a fill behind the symbol but if I place a fill in the area it covers up the lines inside the symbol. Also, when I change my text in the drawing it tells me that I am changing a parameter, I am assuming this is not the best way to set it up but I am not sure what is the best thing to do. I have attached my symbol and a scan of an old autocad drawing showing what i am trying to accomplish. So far Revit is great and have a handle on most things but families are kicking my *&$. Advice on a good way to accomplish this would be a great help and can i set this up to use my materials information?

2. I use a graphic wall schedule to show wall types (also shown in the attached jpg) does anyone know how to create one?


2004-08-09, 04:18 AM
RE 1. See rfa attached. Parameters changed to instance. Filled region traced around linework.

RE 2. Try a search here for similar threads.