View Full Version : Structural beams

2003-07-15, 06:42 AM
Hey I cannot get my structural beams to show up in north,south,east,or west elevations
they are floor joists and I have the visibilty even in wireframe not showing any beams..Also the beams will not show up in plan either.
But I can see them in 3d and section.
Any ideas whats up?

2003-07-15, 07:15 AM
Change your detail level to fine. In coarse views, the beams show up as single lines. In the plans, make sure that your view range is set such that your beams are "in" the view in question. Also, make sure your visibility settings for these views have Structural Framing checked or they will not show up. If none of these suggestions works, post the file and I (or someone smarter than I) will take a look.

2003-07-15, 10:12 PM
Also, the edge face of the exterior walls Im trying edit and I do the edit wall edge so it covers the rim joist for the floor framing details. and it works in section, but the wall doesnt change in 3d or regular elevation views(north,south....)
I will post the work. It is for a remodel job and I dont want to have to go back to aCAD to build the wall details.

2003-07-15, 10:14 PM
okay the drawing was too big..
I could make it so you can click on a web link or ...
Its 7.75 megs.
So, if you can let me know ASAP!


2003-07-16, 12:53 AM
Using " Edit Cut Profile " will only effect the view you're in. ie the section or plan.

Use a compond wall to get the outer layer to extend in other views.


2003-07-16, 07:08 AM
okay the drawing was too big..
I could make it so you can click on a web link or ...
Its 7.75 megs.
So, if you can let me know ASAP!


Set up a web link or if you have a website, set up a ftp site and I'll download it.

you can also try emailing it to me at gcashen@sbcglobal.net