View Full Version : Save often when using Design Review!!!

2007-09-04, 08:34 PM
To everyone out there that uses Design Review for markup purposes, SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN!! The Design Review software is not stable, will abruptly exit at any given time, and ruin your day. After so many ruined days, I felt it was only fair to let everyone know. Especially since even though I send error reports to AutoJoke, I never hear back about the issue or anything, excellent service there Autodesk, kudo's to you! :(

I'm now trained to save the file after every action that has changed the last save.

Hey Autodesk, why not push out the next release now, I'm sure it's just as stable as the current release! What a joke!

2007-10-03, 02:02 AM
We are having a same problem after spending almost a year to convince my boss to use DWF for all markups that Design review is the way to go and how superior it is to PDF and what not.
Now we are seriously thinking about going back to manual mark-ups.
Very frustrating.

2007-10-08, 12:34 PM
One thing I've done to aid in saving is program one of my unneeded mouse buttons to a keystroke of Ctrl-S. As long as I click in the content area of the DWF, I can hit the button and have it save for me. Only solution I've come up with until AutoDesk releases a service pack or new version to address the issue.

2007-11-29, 06:18 PM
How is this different than Acad in general?? I save hundreds of times a day regardless of the program being used. I do not feel sorry for people that do not save for hours on end. Good to know that DR is suspect, I'll make sure to save even more often when using it, thanks for the heads up.


2007-11-29, 10:32 PM
How is this different than Acad in general?? I save hundreds of times a day regardless of the program being used. I do not feel sorry for people that do not save for hours on end. Good to know that DR is suspect, I'll make sure to save even more often when using it, thanks for the heads up.


I agree 100% with saving frequently but, seriously, you can't save every time you draw few lines and sometime.....you just....forget to save.

2007-11-30, 05:21 PM
Believe me when I say that I save often. I quick key qs as my qsave and as I work with my left hand on the key board I qs right click hundreds of times a day.


2008-02-15, 07:05 PM
Well I figured out what the problem was the whole time, like I thought, it's the Design Review 2008 software as a whole that's the issue. In my opinion, Autodesk pushed out the Design Review 2008 software long before it was ready. I did not get any errors with DWF Composer 2, ever. Why does Autodesk continue to break what doesn't need fixing. Anyway, I uninstalled Design Review 2008 and want back to Design Review 2. Sorry for all the rest who rely on Autodesk's though that the software was ready for the production world, it is not.