View Full Version : Sorry - I am waiting for my documentation.

2004-08-09, 04:18 PM
I am running somewhat "lame". I have received my activation code however I do not have any documentation. I live in Canada - guess it has to be sent up from Kaliforniaa.

Just about finished my first project in Revit (excluding my efforts 2-1/2 years ago). Have some minor but nagging problems.

I would like the 3d view to be at a different scale than the Elevations - is this possible? Finding it impossible to resize the "level bubbles" - getting some constraint message when I try to edit the family. One last problem - South Elevation surface hatch looks fine however when I plot the sheet I miss part of the surface hatch next to Gridline 5. I think something must be obscuring the surface pattern - can't seem to get at it to erase it - tried tabbing over. I would gladdly send file however it exceeds 2 meg limit.

Otherwise ... ... things are pretty good. I had complained in my "first encounter with Revit" the workflow was not very smooth - that problem no longer seems to exist. After spending 60% of my time try to manage ADT and 40% drafting - Revit is a breath of fresh air. Only real huge gripe - Revit could use some of ADT's drafting capabilities i.e. annotation, scaling, etc.

Thanks once again.


Dick Barath


ADT - 60% managing software 40% drafting
Revit - 90% drafting - 10% managing software

2004-08-09, 05:16 PM

Let's see if we get rid you of those nagging issues...

To change the size of the Gris Bubble open the appropriate Grid Head family and change the radius of the bubble through the Family Types... worksheet, save the Family and reload it into your project.

To change the scale of your 3D View - select the view go to properties and adjust the scale.

I am not sure what's happening with the surface hatch - send the file directly to me if you like and I'll take a look at it. Email address is in my profile.



2004-08-09, 06:01 PM

I am not able to find a "scale view" setting for the perspective view. It is the "level bubbles" I wish to change - I get a constraint error message when I attempt to alter the "region fill". I hope you got my email - I was unable to send you the drawing thru the profile manager - I see no way of adding attachments.

Thank you for the help - most appreciated.


Dick Barath

2004-08-09, 06:19 PM
To size a perspective - grab the crop region and you'll see a size button on the dynamic toolbar...

2004-08-09, 06:28 PM
FYI...all the documentation you'll get on the CD is either available under HELP or via the web via downloads...

2004-08-09, 08:07 PM
Aaron I want the perspective larger - I do not want to expand the view. Unless I am missing something thats all the grips seem to do. Steve - I had a feeling someone was going to tell the same. In the old days Revit offered on line classes - I'm sure Autodesk toasted that ??? I have always been astounded at the lack of documentation that accompanies software. I purchased wonderful CBT's for ADT however the people that produce them (4D Technologies) say there is not enough demand for the Revit material.


Dick Barath

Scott D Davis
2004-08-09, 08:17 PM

3D views don't really have a scale. You can expand the box bounding the 3D view to a larger size, then use the dynamic view functions to 'walk in' closer (basically 'zoom') to get a larger view of your model. The view box size relates to how big the view will be on the sheet. If you want it larger in the sheet, you need to change the camera location by moving closer to the model.

Update: If you highlight the perspective box, and grab the grips and stretch them, the view will expand and the model size will remain the same. If you click on the perspective view box, and then click on the Size button on the Options bar, you can adjust the overall size of the image there, and the size of the model 3D view will scale accordingly. see attached: two view of same perspective, the larger view a copy with an increase size using the Size button in the Options Bar.

2004-08-09, 08:20 PM
This link provides some of the online seminars from Autodesk. There are several good books on the market and the tutorials are a big help. What I'm learning is it all takes time and when you can't stop your practice for a week to go through a book I sort of piecemeal my learning together. Not the best solution, but it is slowly working. Also this site is the best resource I've found yet (along with Zoog).


Good luck,

2004-08-09, 08:36 PM

You've delivered the goods again - thanks.


Dick Barath

2004-08-09, 08:37 PM
I found the Revit distance learning seminars to be quite helpful. I recommend them for beginners and you can't beat the price (free).

2004-08-09, 08:53 PM
I would agree - but unfortunately I have either seen them (2-1/2 years ago) or else they have been discontinued or in the case of roofs it is full. CBT's are the answer in my opinion - I paid $200-$300 for 100 or more ADT lessons ranging from 2-3 minutes to 30 minutes. Learn as you go - play them over and over - share them in the office - can't beat them. For the love of me why has Autodesk been so slow to adapt them - at least please give us that option - who has the time or money to listen to a "talking head" read from course material.

Dick Barath

2004-08-09, 09:22 PM
who has the time or money to listen to a "talking head" read from course material.

The online tutorials are interactive and you can ask questions. I have found them to be very helpful. If the online tutorials don't meet your needs then you could always provide feedback to help Autodesk improve them.

Roger Evans
2004-08-09, 10:20 PM
What do you mean by a CBT Dick?

2004-08-10, 12:55 AM
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy ? .... Maybe Not.

( Chicago Board of Trade .... )

How about Computer Based Training ?

2004-08-10, 04:16 AM

Bonk in Oz - very good - otherwize CBT is "computer bazed training". I wish I was in OZ - this has been a 15 year exerrcise - lets speed it up.

Two pints too many.



Roger Evans
2004-08-10, 10:11 AM
CBT .. That simple eh?
If I remember correctly this was shut down in the UK prior to the Autodesk buy in of Revit .. I thought it was a brilliant method
I've since raised the issue with UK resellers & I've been told it was not a success & did not work .. all I can say is it worked for me
The main problems at the time was the slow internet connection .. Things have moved on since then & Broadband is now more commonly available
I would like to see it offered & available in the UK Again

2004-08-10, 03:25 PM
In the perspective, select the crop region. There should be a button in the context bar that shows the size of the perspective image. Click this and you will be able to change the size in two ways. Field of view will let you change the lens angle of the camera, just like dragging the grips, Scale/lock proportions will make the image larger or smaller on the sheet.

Edit: sorry, for some reason about half the posts in this thread didn't show up until I posted a reply so I didn't see that it had been answered :Oops: