View Full Version : Complex Geometry - Problems Importing SAT into Revit

2007-09-06, 02:27 PM
As new Revit users, we are trying to import a very complex 3d geometry file from Rhino into Revit, with the goal of assigning the surfaces as walls, roofs and ceilings. The form has no 2 lines or surfaces alike, and warps in 2 directions every which way.

We have done some reading and as recommended, exported the Rhino file to an .SAT file and imported it into Revit as a Mass Family. However Revit is only allowing some of the surfaces to become walls and others are not selectable. (using the wall by face tool)

Any ideas on how to get Revit to recognize all of the geometry? Is there a certain/best way to export and then import complex geometry into Revit??

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

2007-09-06, 05:42 PM
Complex curved surfaces will only be selectable as curtain systems not generic wall types. Try creating a curtain system say 5 x5 and see if you can pick the geometry.