View Full Version : Model lines on a curved (in one dimension only) surface???

2003-07-15, 04:41 PM
I have a column (rectangular in section), faced with aluminum panels, that curves from vertical to horizontal. Have modeled the column with a sweep, drawn model lines on the surfaces of the straight portions at the panel joints, but I am stumped about how to draw the model lines on the two curving faces.

Any suggestions?


2003-07-15, 05:37 PM
I'm not sure that this will work but there is no harm in trying.
Go to a side view. Create a reference plane through the plane of the joint. Create a second ref plane perpendicular to the first and tangent to the curve at the joint. Select the second ref plane as your work plane and add the line across the column surface at the first ref plane which should run along the tangent point of the curve. Hope it works.

2003-07-15, 07:10 PM
Well the best way to accomplish this would be to create the col. in the family editor with extrusion and leave a gap, just as it would be constructed. If you don't wish to do that, just create a very narrow extrusion in plan in the shape of your curve, maybe 1/32" tall and then you can copy that up and around. Note that inplace families have some issues.