View Full Version : custom scale

Justin Marchiel
2007-09-07, 03:45 PM
we use the scale of 2" = 1'-0". we can create the custom scale of 1:6, but it always shows as 1:6. how can we get it to show 2"=1'-0" without putting a piece of text over it?



2007-09-08, 02:41 PM
Current release and build do not provide a parameter control for overriding the scale text in a View title. Creating a text type that is 1/8" and bolded to cover up the 1:6 scale text is the only method available. See if this is on the wish list for the next release and if not already an item, add it to the list.

Mel Persin, AIA
AEC Technology Consultant
Technology to Visualize and Realize Solutions
MasterGraphics, Inc.

2007-09-17, 05:13 PM
You could also create a new view title/bubble for those drawings that use this unique scale and rather than have the text look at the scale parameter have it show a static piece of text. The only downside is that if the drawing is rescaled and the view bubble isn't changed, it will read imporperly. An imperfect solution but better than putting text on all of your drawings.