View Full Version : ANSI Material Patterns

Justin Marchiel
2007-09-11, 04:51 PM
I am in the process of further developing our standards. We generally use patterns to represent specific material, (as most firms do). I want to further develop more specific patterns (ie show a difference between rigid, eps, spray foam etc) and wondering if there is a standards material representation for these items. I thought i could look to ANSI for the answers but i can find a comprehensive list of material patterns.

What are you guys doing out there? How do you represent material patterns? Are they your own design, or do they follow a higher governing body?



2007-09-12, 01:53 AM
Here in the US, we have the National CAD Standard (NCS) (http://nationalcadstandard.org) which is in use by many firms, but certainly not mandatory. ANSI mostly governs materials in the building industry as well as many other sectors. The NCS is a product of the Facility Information Council, a subset of NIBS (National Institute of Building Sciences). You might also consult Wiley's "Architectural Graphic Standards (http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-301525.html)."