View Full Version : Autodesk University? Roll Call! Who's going?

2004-08-10, 01:08 PM
Can we have a roll call? I signed up yesterday and bought my flight. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and advancing my Revit knowledge.

Clyne Curtis
2004-08-10, 01:30 PM
I'm all over it...just finished polishing up my schedule! It's gonna be great!


2004-08-10, 01:53 PM
Hey there,

All signed up and ready to feast! The best part....my family lives in Vegas. Now I get to feed my belly with Thanksgiving turkey and my brain after that!
See you all there
Steve Shell

2004-08-10, 03:21 PM
I'm excited to meet everyone at the Autodesk Revit User Group Meeting out there!


2004-08-10, 04:05 PM
I'm signed up.

2004-08-10, 04:13 PM
I'm signed up.

Scott D Davis
2004-08-10, 04:18 PM
I'm there!

Scott Hopkins
2004-08-10, 05:22 PM
I have never been to Autodesk University, but it sounds like it might be worthwhile. I am guessing that a lot of you guys are having your fees and travel expenses paid for out of the company coffers. Attending as and individual, Autodesk University seems prohibitively expensive. (Keep in mind, I am too cheap to join the A.I.A.) My question is, when all is said and done, is Autodesk University really worth the cost?

2004-08-10, 05:39 PM
Signed-up over a week ago. I believe this is my 5 year and have paid all the expences myself. The fact that I return each year speaks for itself.

I encourage others to invest the time and monies which are well returned with the training you receive and if you spend your own money you gleam all you can from the 4 days of attendance. Just my thoughts.

Scott D Davis
2004-08-10, 05:50 PM
I have never been to Autodesk University, but it sounds like it might be worthwhile. I am guessing that a lot of you guys are having your fees and travel expenses paid for out of the company coffers. Attending as and individual, Autodesk University seems prohibitively expensive. (Keep in mind, I am too cheap to join the A.I.A.) My question is, when all is said and done, is Autodesk University really worth the cost?
It's worth it if you make it so! Attend the classes most important to you, and make the most of them! You will learn some new things! My best advice, is to be actively involved in the classes....ask questions, talk to others before and after classes, talk to the instructors, talk to the Rev-dev team that will be there. I find the networking with others to be as important as the classes themselves. After last year, I now know many of the Rev-dev team on a more personal level, and they know me. Makes working in Revit that much nicer, knowing the guys and girls behind it!

Plus there are tons of other classes, seminars, and products to check out while there. So yes, it seems expensive, but in the end, I think the experience as a whole is worth it!

Tom Dorner
2004-08-10, 06:01 PM
I signed up 10 minutes after the AU site was up. Bought my airfare a week prior. I have to burn vacation days and pay 100% out of my own pocket and after attending last year I know it is worth every penny.


2004-08-11, 02:29 AM
I'm going. Signed up the same day registration opened and had my flight about a month earlier. This will be #6 for me. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you that were there last year again and all those who weren't. I should be checking into the hotel Monday around 6pm. Looking forward to the Monday night meeting, wherever it is.

2004-08-11, 03:36 AM
I am thinking about going... OK, I'll go. Company funds, yes, and if I were paying I would be hesitant too. Words of caution, this is like a drug, once you go, you won't be able to kick the habit.

There are great classes, exhibits, networking, parties and not to mention it's Vegas. As noted above the education is on all levels and the time savers and knowledge you pick up are an investment that pays dividends all year.

2004-08-11, 03:41 AM
I'm going...I've always wanted to attend but could never get my company to foot the bill. Now that I'm my own boss I'm going but will be paying out of my own pocket, if there is really a difference. I'm hoping to learn a lot and hopefully the new knowledge will pay for the trip through new efficiencies once I get back to the office. I look forward to meeting those who are there and hopefully it will become a yearly trip.


2004-08-11, 01:41 PM
Hey there,

Where and when is the Monday night Reviteer's gathering?
Steve Shell

Wes Macaulay
2004-08-11, 02:51 PM
I'm going, too... as is our company, I believe... keep an eye out for the Pacific Alliance Technologies booth!

Too bad we can't bring over our friends from over the puddle. Would be great to have Peter J and beegee at the gathering.

2004-08-11, 04:13 PM
Hey there,

Where and when is the Monday night Reviteer's gathering?
Steve Shell

The Monday Revit Mixer will be from 7:00 - 9:30 (tentative time). Invitations will be sent out to ALL attendees that sigh up for Revit classes. That invitation will go out some time in October +/-.

2004-08-11, 07:43 PM
Now you tell me. I won't get in until mid-night.

2004-08-11, 08:00 PM
Now you tell me. I won't get in until mid-night.

Now now, you had warning: ;)

BTW - We have plans under way for a "bigger and better Revit Users Mixer" on Monday night. So those of you planning on attending make sure you arrange your schedule to be there by Monday evening!!!

Posted on 7-26-04 - http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=6221

Besides airline reservations are just a "guideline" made to be adjusted...

2004-08-11, 08:48 PM
Too bad we can't bring over our friends from over the puddle. Would be great to have Peter J and beegee at the gathering.
Good of you to think of us, Wes.

2004-08-12, 09:19 AM
So are you going Pete? I was half thinking about it. but then the thought of a possible *hrs of US immigration cut in. Do us Brits need visas now ? Is my paper passport unacceptable or do I need to be chipped!! On the other hand I couldn't quite believe the "Guest rates" on the AU web site seems very little extra for the accommodation for my partner.

2004-08-12, 09:37 AM
So are you going Pete? I was half thinking about it. but then the thought of a possible *hrs of US immigration cut in. Do us Brits need visas now ? Is my paper passport unacceptable or do I need to be chipped!! On the other hand I couldn't quite believe the "Guest rates" on the AU web site seems very little extra for the accommodation for my partner.

I think US immigration has improved nowadays, though I was detained at Newark for several hours some years ago when going to school in the US for a brief stint and not having the correct educational visa. I did my best Hugh Grant smile and accent and eventually they let me in on a tourist visa....

After just having had two and a bit weeks off, having a couple of days in Ireland next week, and a week in France in October I think I will be considered by most to have done alright.

2004-08-12, 12:18 PM
Don't you need a break from the food in UK? Vegas is a great place to vacation. I would love to meet some architects from across the ocean and compare notes about our profession.

2004-08-12, 12:54 PM
Don't you need a break from the food in UK? Vegas is a great place to vacation.
For which I would visit Vegas? Hmmm. My abiding memory of Nevadan cuisine is the 99c all day breakfast.

You'll see I'm off to France later in the year. I've never had an all day breakfast for a Euro and wont be seeking one out this time....

2004-08-12, 02:08 PM
For which I would visit Vegas? Hmmm. My abiding memory of Nevadan cuisine is the 99c all day breakfast.

You'll see I'm off to France later in the year. I've never had an all day breakfast for a Euro and wont be seeking one out this time....
You'll get flamed for that, well I like Maple Syrup on my bacon

2004-08-12, 02:42 PM
You'll get flamed for that, well I like Maple Syrup on my bacon
No doubt I'll deserve it. I like maple syrup too.

2004-08-12, 04:42 PM
France is great for their food. But, they don't like American's. I'll stick to Spain, Italy and of course UK, which I've been to twice. Also, Costa Rica is great, but Vegas is one of a kind. Food cost a little more now, under $10.00 for breakfast or lunch for a buffet. You can still find some bargains for food. But, I plan on going to some great restaurants. And, as you know, "what goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

2004-08-12, 06:27 PM
France is great for their food. But, they don't like American's.
Go to France. You'll find they don't like Americans en-masse but are charming to you on an individual basis. We travelled with an American couple last September while in France for a fortnight and they never received so much as an ill glance.

2004-08-12, 06:32 PM
Vegas has some world class restaurants now, its no longer home of the cheap all you can eat.

2004-08-12, 10:10 PM
Maybe I should go then.

Where do the furthest afield attendees usually come from? In general I mean, not just the Revit group.

2004-08-12, 10:54 PM
I'm going, and can't hardly wait. I attended last year and all my classes were suppose to be in Architectural Desktop. But by the first class, I had decided to join a Revit class. After that I changed my whole schedule and have never regreted it. I came back from AU and traded in my Arch Desktop for a license of Revit. I enjoy my job again. Can't wait to meet everyone from the newsgroup!!

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-08-13, 08:17 AM
I attended last year for the first time and I just signed up to go again. I found the experience well worth the effort and expense. I had never been to Las Vegas and made a week of it. The place was everything I expected it be (not necessarily a good thing :wink: ) and more.

I met people from Australia, Hawaii, the UK... in other words, all over the planet. I think I can safely say that this is the big show in terms of 'geek' camps and the collective knowledge that is present is pretty impressive. If you can find a way to get there, make it happen.
Hope to see you all there!

2004-08-13, 08:26 AM
Well senior management thinks shopping in Las Vegas is a good idea, so its likely at least one UK Reviteer may be going! So now to check out flights!
Seems there are a few Revit classes that are scheduled at the same time so there will be some difficult choices.

Phil Palmer
2004-08-13, 09:05 AM

Thats just NOT fair
I will have to try and convince the directors here that this would be a valuable event and worth the cost of getting me over there to. Especially considering I have always fancied a trip to Vegas.

2004-08-13, 10:44 AM
Well senior management thinks shopping in Las Vegas is a good idea
How did you butter her up?

I think I have used all my holiday priveliges up already for this year, maybe next time.

Phil, haven't you already been to the US twice this year?

2004-08-13, 12:07 PM
How did you butter her up?

Charm and I suppose getting a new Bernese Mountain dog puppy - ah!

Phil - go for it there's a section on the AU website on how to justify the trip to senior management, you could use, don't think puppy would work in your case!!

Roger Evans
2004-08-13, 12:11 PM
Who is going to look after the puppy?

2004-08-13, 01:36 PM
Is that an offer Roger, I'll have to start training him in Welsh

2004-08-13, 01:40 PM
Don't volunteer, Roger, it's a long drive from Cowbridge to Burford twice a day to feed and water.

Roger Evans
2004-08-13, 02:01 PM
The last dog I looked after for someone chased a rabbit over a cliff.

Obviously couldn't read the bilingual warning signs.

2004-08-13, 02:10 PM
Sounds like there is a need for a European AU. You guys might want to start lobbying your resellers.

2004-08-16, 01:58 AM
I'll be there as well, and I'm bringing my family along! Wife said I couldn't go without her, ;)

2004-08-16, 02:49 AM
Wow! I asked my wife if she wanted to go and she said, "Why?".

2004-08-17, 02:46 AM

That's funny, I had the exact same conversation with my wife. Are you bringing Noah? If so, my Noah and your Noah could meet!

We might try to dump the kid off with the grandparents for the week - too early to say if that'll happen though.

I'll be there as well, and I'm bringing my family along! Wife said I couldn't go without her, ;)

2004-08-17, 11:56 AM
My wife doesn't know I'm going yet. I went to Vegas 3 times this year w/ her and she's tired of it. Twice for business, once for pleasure. Since I'm a diplomat, I'll ask her to go at the right time, when all the flights are gone. Just kidding.

2004-08-17, 02:14 PM
...My wife doesn't know I'm going yet.... She does now...please welcome our newest member "MrsBomberAIA"...:-P

Cathy Hadley
2004-08-17, 04:58 PM
And representing the US Women's Revit Team....

Ready or Not ...

2004-08-17, 05:21 PM
Very funny. You better not let me talk to your wife in Vegas...if you bring her. Just kidding.

2004-08-17, 05:23 PM
There will be 3 to 4 Reviteers from Boca. That's pretty good since Boca is pretty small.

2004-08-18, 01:28 AM
We haven't heard from Leonid & Irwin yet... will they be there?

2004-08-18, 01:57 AM
We haven't heard from Leonid & Irwin yet... will they be there?
I won't be there. Sorry.

David Sammons
2004-08-18, 06:25 PM
I probably will attend AU. If I do attend, I look forward to meeting the members of this forum who will attend as well. There are plenty of very good Revit classes and labs.

I am waiting to register closer to the early registration deadline when I am certain that I will be able to attend. However, I noticed some of the classes and labs are already full (none of the Revit sessions). I am concerned that the Revit classes and labs may fill up quickly as well. For those of you who attended in the past, have there been any problems with availability of classes when registering just before the early registration deadline?

Dave S.

2004-08-18, 08:46 PM
The labs tend to fill up as they are limited to the hardware - the cutoff has been 75 in the past. The lectures tend to only fill up when the larger rooms are taken. In other words the rooms seem to be first come first serve, big class takes the big room = big room 1 is gone...

FYI - all of the Revit classes I was in last year were standing room only. The handouts are generally limited to those that register for the class and the walk ins have to look over their neighbor's shoulder and wait for them to be posted 30 days after AU.

Hope that helps and is straight forward -

2004-08-18, 09:35 PM
Well mine are now all enrolled, he said smugly, shame two I'd have like to attend are in the same time slots. But hey although "Gardening with Revit" would have been fun I just had to be serious and "Schedule anything in Revit"

Scott D Davis
2004-08-18, 09:45 PM
I feel bad for the presenter whose class gets to go up against "What's New in 7.0". There's a scheduling mistake......

Steve Cashman
2004-08-19, 10:25 AM
I'm going again. I went two times over the last three years. Ironically, the first year I went (3 years ago) to decide if our firm would move from AutoCAD R14/Auto-Architect to Architectural Desktop 3.3. We did make the move over, but OUCH - it seemed like a move back.

Last year I went to learn about Revit and whether it was for us. We had done just one test project in Revit. When I came back, we decided to try Revit on a few select projects. Well, we liked Revit SO MUCH that we totally dropped ADT and have done all projects (renovations, additions, new construction, small, big) all on Revit over the last year since December. We almost cringe when we think about ADT. Revit is so superior it's a slight to Revit to even try to compare them. We're now a firm of Reviteers or Revitheads.

I'm excited to go back this year and really get into it. I was psyched to be able to get into all the classes I wanted. It will be four full days of Revit learning.

See you all there.

2004-08-19, 08:09 PM
I'm going. All signed up, just need a plane ticket. This will be my first AU and I am really looking forward to it! See you all there.


2004-08-19, 08:22 PM

That's funny, I had the exact same conversation with my wife. Are you bringing Noah? If so, my Noah and your Noah could meet!

We might try to dump the kid off with the grandparents for the week - too early to say if that'll happen though.Matt,

Yup, Our Noah will also be attending, that would be cool if the two Noah's could meet!

We also though about leaving him with my parents, but in the end, we figured we'd miss him too much:)

Wes Macaulay
2004-08-19, 08:50 PM
Joe! Dude! Glad you're going! See you there... and I should check into how much it would cost to bring the family. Vegas is kinda boring after two days tho. After the roller coaster and the M&M's store what else is there?

We actually think Vegas is ridiculous. For all of us who live in the Pacific Northwest with its mountains and trees, the parroting of nature with volcanoes on timers is all a bit wretched (don't be downwind from the chlorinated water spray -- whew!) Most of what I would like to see while at Las Vegas is stuff not in Las Vegas -- like Hoover Dam and the arid environs surrounding the city. They could carpet bomb the city for all I care: preferably when Celine Dion is performing :twisted:

David Kim
2004-08-20, 02:30 AM
Wow! I asked my wife if she wanted to go and she said, "Why?".

I'm going and asked my wife the same question. Although she had a good time especially since it was her first time in Vegas, being with both of my boys for the week was a bit too long....

2004-08-20, 06:54 PM
Sounds like there is a need for a European AU.
I'll certainly second that - by next month I'll be living in Rome, but just bought my return tickets to attend AU2004... it's a little more expensive this year than coming from Houston last year... and yet I'm sure it'll still be worth it...

Off to sign up for classes now.


David Sammons
2004-09-13, 03:28 PM
I registered this weekend and I look forward to my first AU, particularly all the Revit classes!

Dave S.

2004-09-13, 04:02 PM

Share your sentiments exactly - feel like a pupit playing with these blasted computers - all one needs is to be reminded about how really insignificant we all are - couldn't pick a better place than Vegas to get the point across. Celine Dion ??? ... Wes such comments in Canada could be construed as being treasonous - what would Father Crouton say - agree with you again. Sorry I don't think I could cope with the setting rather go fishing.


2004-09-14, 02:01 PM
Hey guys, I'm on the fence. I have not been to a Autodesk University before and am considering going. I've been working with Revit now for the last year and believe there is no other cad program that can even come close to its efficiency.
I work for myself in the residential industry so I'm not interested in spending time learning about large industrial project tools. But I'd sure like to rub shoulders with those of you that know the in's & outs of Revit and honing my own skills related to my industry.

2004-09-14, 02:06 PM
...on the fence......not interested in spending time learning about large industrial project tools... You won't, check the course offerings, there is something available each day that will make sense and translate to your practice. Then there's meeting the folks who either make Revit real and those who frequent this pub. In the words of the credit card marketeers..."That's priceless". If you can spare the time away and afford the cost, I don't think you'll regret a decision to go.

2004-09-14, 09:34 PM
I'm in!! I'm in!! This will be my first AU and frankly... I'm excited. I just can't wait to meet everyone there and bury my brain in Revit Knowledge.

So whatever happened to the Revit Tattoos I remember seeing a bit back?

Ah... here it is...

We should get some Revit temporary tattoos for AU2004. There are companies that will make them from any graphic. I saw their ad in the inflight magazine this past weekend.

TomFrom http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=5563&highlight=Revit+tattoos

Dean Camlin
2004-09-15, 12:29 AM
I'll be there. Got my classes, room, & plane tickets reserved. It'll be good to meet a lot of you guys face to face.

Wes Macaulay
2004-09-15, 03:33 AM

Share your sentiments exactly - feel like a pupit playing with these blasted computers - all one needs is to be reminded about how really insignificant we all are - couldn't pick a better place than Vegas to get the point across. Celine Dion ??? ... Wes such comments in Canada could be construed as being treasonous - what would Father Crouton say - agree with you again. Sorry I don't think I could cope with the setting rather go fishing.

EnjoyIt's the Titanic theme that put me over the edge. And the sepulchre they keep her in down there. How far from reality can you get? You're looking at it...

2004-09-23, 01:06 PM
I'm finally in!! I printed the course catalog the day it was posted, but the powers that be at my office like to take their time on decisions. I just got the green light yesterday.
This will be by second AU. I couldn't believe the Revit buzz last year. It was so much fun talking with all of you.
Looking forward to it. Do I understand that there will be temporary tattoos issued at the Monday night mixer???

2004-11-02, 02:16 AM
Received today:

We are in receipt of your request to reserve a room at the MGM Grand Hotel on your behalf. Please note the MGM Grand Hotel is currently sold out due to renovations, however, we have reserved a room for you at the New York, New York Hotel.

Anyone else? See you at the mixer!

[200th post - Woo Hoo!]


2004-11-02, 01:22 PM
Yep I am there with bells (er flashing slot machine lights) on haha I even get to meet up with one of my old instructors, currently working on the freedom tower project.