View Full Version : Walkthrough showing frame number?

2007-09-12, 08:07 PM
Is this really what they did? I haven't done a walkthrough since version 8.1, but we never had to deal with those "foreign objects" [201 of 400] in our walkthroughs....

it's so disappointing....is there really no workaround from within Revit?


2007-09-14, 04:03 AM
I too was surprised when I noticed them introduced in 9.x as a result of the animated solar studies. I have yet to found a solution aside from some post production. :(


2007-09-17, 01:08 AM
I may have jumped the gun, will try to find time tomorrow...but when I started the thread, I noticed that the frames showed in the preview, and then noticed it in the thumbnail, I thought I saw them in the actual file, but when I put the frames together in Adobe Premiere, (we were going so fast) and played it during our presentation test the same evening....and they weren't there...Now, because it was fast and I combined a portion of jpg frames, the other as an avi, I am unsure what happened....but the final product didn't have them...

I will write later,



2007-09-17, 01:51 AM
I would be very interested if it works out for you. As stated, the few animations that I have done in 2008, they have all had the "Frame Number" in the upper left corner. I typically resorted to making the image taller then final size and cropping the top portion out in post production. I have tried both exporting directly to AVI and to individual images, which is my preferred method.


Dimitri Harvalias
2007-10-16, 06:27 PM

Did you ever get a chance to check this out?

2007-10-19, 04:27 AM
Hi Dimitri, I am sending this email, mainly to get it to show up as something I have yet to respond to... I kinda checked, but not correctly....I will have much more time next week, and will try to check.

Sorry for not following up...


Did you ever get a chance to check this out?

clog boy
2007-10-19, 06:07 AM
I don't think it can be fixed, but my guess is Autodesk knows we hate it by now.
Please tell me I'm wrong about the first part. :)

2008-07-18, 08:35 AM
Hi All

We're a little slow down here in Africa and still have to receive our 2009. Does anyone know if the frame number still shows up the walkthrough exports in 2009?


2008-07-18, 01:55 PM
:( http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=79030&highlight=frame

Hi All

We're a little slow down here in Africa and still have to receive our 2009. Does anyone know if the frame number still shows up the walkthrough exports in 2009?
