View Full Version : sloped floors with sloped levels and stairs

2007-09-12, 11:27 PM

I am new to this forum. I have this building which has sloped floor but walls are vertical. But how does one tell revit to keep the levels also sloped meaning parallel to floor so that when I get the stairs buil, it takes the level which is sloped along the floor otherwise it just follows the horizontal level line and builds the stair and thus I get huge gap between last riser and the floor because of the slope of loor.

I hope I am clear enough.



2007-09-13, 12:15 AM
Levels can not slope, they are always "flat". One way or another you're going to have to calculate the exact distance at which your stairs interesect your sloped floor. The eaisest thing would be to create new level and have it intersect the point where you want the stairs to interact with the floor. Your other option is to determine the distance from the nearest level to the point wher ethe stairs intersect, then set an offset in the stair from the level you measured from, thus your stairs will adjust correctly.
