View Full Version : New build and RAM requirements?

2007-09-14, 05:16 PM
Has anyone else noticed a big jump in RAM requirements with the new build? I upgraded one project, and one guy who was working fine (albeit crashing regularly ;) with 2G of RAM was unable to open the model at all with the new build. So far it does seem to be more stable, but given how many 2G machines we still have, I am a little worried about upgrading the whole office and finding a bunch of machines just won't cut it any more. Anyone else running into this?


2007-09-17, 06:27 AM
Haven't heard of this at all. I'll keep an ear out with my cleints and see if they have had any issues.

clog boy
2007-09-17, 09:11 AM
Haven't noticed anything in particular, but then again we have a max of two houses in one project.