View Full Version : Find Family

2007-09-17, 03:28 PM
I think my answer is no and thus this should be moved to a wish list but:

I there a way to find a family in a project quickly (preferably from the browser)?
-How many instances of it are used.
-what views is it visible in.
-what sheets it is on.

I know it is in the project because it is not deleted with purge unused. But where is it?
Select all instances (with isolate) is close but not quite what I am looking for.
(Does not work with legends or generic annotations)

Any suggestions?

2007-09-17, 03:54 PM
Create a schedule and from there you can select them

2007-09-18, 02:25 AM
Not with the stock Revit toolset. If you'd like a count of what you selected with select all instances then take a look at this THREAD (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=64374) in the API forum.

It clearly is possible for Revit to show you the views that a family is in since the SHOW feature of Review Warnings and in the schedule view does that, but one view at a time. I don't know if the API would provide a means to create such an ad hoc report based on a selection set. Such a tool would be useful to track down those pesky dwg files that don't get Linked too.

You could post a challenge for the resident programmers in the API forum since they are probably just sitting around waiting for another project to chew on. :smile:

2007-09-18, 03:47 AM
You can get a count if you know what the family is called.

It's kind of weird, but go into the Project Browser, under Families, select the family/type, then right click and delete. You will get a prompt that you're going to delete "x" number of instances of the family/type. Cancel so you don't complete the deletion process...

There's your count!

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-09-18, 03:54 AM
Brilliant mate! It's not pretty but at least it's there. If you expand the browser you can get a count on individual types as well as families.
Great tip. Thanks

2007-09-18, 06:12 AM
You can get a count if you know what the family is called.

It's kind of weird, but go into the Project Browser, under Families, select the family/type, then right click and delete. You will get a prompt that you're going to delete "x" number of instances of the family/type. Cancel so you don't complete the deletion process...

There's your count!

Very clever! But, this is not some info you can store.

2007-09-18, 07:01 AM
Very nice idea.

2007-09-18, 02:27 PM

Bill Maddox
Maddox Builders, Inc.