View Full Version : Area Scheduling

2004-08-11, 06:30 AM
I've been compiling area data for a residential development - trying to compile a schedule that contains as its column headings; 'UNIT #', 'INTERNAL LIVING AREA', 'EXTERNAL LIVING AREA' and 'TOTAL AREA' - the total area could be a calculation of the two preceding columns, as is possible in Microsoft Excel.
I've thus far been unable to achieve this with area tags and the schedule.
i can get a schedule that has an internal and external area for each unit but they occur in one column rather than broken into the two columns as above.
has anyone had experience with this type of scheduling - or do they do it in another way - is Revit capable of this type of breakup?
and are these questions clear?

2004-08-11, 07:24 AM
This is how I've handled a similar Area Schedule.

Define area types and sort by type.