View Full Version : deleting filled regions

2007-09-18, 07:43 PM
so, i've purged unused.

i've selected the filled region type in the browser, selected all instances, then changed the type to a filled region type i want to keep. then i deleted the unwanted types.

i've purged unused again.

i've gone back to the browser to make sure my unwanted filled region types have been deleted. they have been.

i've saved, audited, purged unused.

yet i STILL have the unwanted filled region types in the type selector.

i'm trying to make a template file, so getting rid of these extra filled regions is key to keep from confusing future users. anyone??

2007-09-18, 08:04 PM
Just go down to Families in your project browser, Families > Detail Items > Filled Region and delete the ones you don't need.

2007-09-18, 08:11 PM
yeah, i did that in step two. they are gone in the project browser, but they still show up in the type selector. i can't get them out of the type selector. check out the image attached. there are all kinds of roof filled regions in there that don't show up in the browser.