View Full Version : C.S.V. file formatting

2007-09-18, 11:05 PM
Hi ,
I'm trying to use the " use imported points" option when making a toposurface with very little luck. I'm getting runtime errors and i'm getting out of memory errors . and like the cherry on top . then revit crashes completely

Does anyone know why ? I'm thinking it may have something to do with the way the table is formatted. maybe there are too many points to look at ?


2007-09-19, 05:16 AM
It should be just:
Everything after that on each line is ignored.

If there are too many points, try opening the points file in notepad and breaking it out into multiple files. You can always import more points in a second, third, fourth, etc... pass.
If that still doesn't work, try using the simplify surface tool to remove extraneous points for a particular level of granularity. In other words, if you plotting the site plan at 1"=1000', you probably don't need the points to be closer than 15' apart.

2007-09-19, 02:49 PM

I think i have to refer back to the consultant that supplied this file when i asked for a csv file. The one they gave me has 5 headings . A numberical number for the pin then three sets of numbers not coresponding to z,y,z , but rather to just the z factor and then a text description.

Thanks for the help

2007-09-19, 05:31 PM
If you have anything other than x,y,z values in the first three columns it won't work properly. There are often unique ID numbers in the first column and Revit is trying to treat those as "X" values.

2007-09-19, 07:46 PM
If you have anything other than x,y,z values in the first three columns it won't work properly. There are often unique ID numbers in the first column and Revit is trying to treat those as "X" values.

this is going to sound really not smart ( dumb ) but the xyz values are really big and i've been letting revit chew onthe data i was given since about 9 am this morning ( it's 145 pm now) REvit hasn't crashed or given me an error , It just looks like it's computing.

what should an acceptable value be ? the supplied x values i have are in the area of 540 000m .

2007-09-19, 09:33 PM
I closed the revit session i had running . starting at about 9 am and ending at 330 pm . that's a long time to have accomplished nothing . thank dog for multi sessions !!