View Full Version : Circular chain of reference and disjoin

2004-08-11, 02:06 PM
Hey. I have a circular chain of references that has happened with a wall and ceiling and a floor. I'm trying to insert a window. I've also dried drawing some more interior walls.

I used the move>disjoin command to move the ceiling and then to move it back to the original location. This should break references right? I then also moved the floor and disjoined it but it gives me a circular chain error again related to the ceiling and the walls!!

So why this? I cannot finish inserting any windows into the walls, doing sweeps, etc. I can delete and re-create the floor if necessary. The ceiling is actually a soffit which has some level of detail to it that I'd hate to lose but I do have reference planes in place that I can re-create it.

This seems to be related to using wall sweeps, specifically. I deleted the two floors and the ceiling that were the "problems" and now the circular chain is between the walls and two wall sweeps that I've installed.

Furthermore, I "undid" my floor and cailing deletion. I tried to delete the three sweeps that were the problem. It then lists a conflict between one of the sweeps and the wall and the floor!!

I ended up detaching the top of a foundation wall from the bottom of a framed wall, where I had a step in my foundation from half-exposure to no-exposure. I was then able to insert the window. I re-attached the foundation wall and than again tried to insert the window and ended up with the same circular chain of reference again. (The wall I'm inerting the window into does is not even the wall which is attached! It is around the corner.)

So again, this seems specifically related to the use of wall-hosted sweeps and the attachment of walls.

I've had this happen with wall-hoted sweeps before. They seem to create conflicts easily, in my experience. Does anyone have advice on it?

I don't know if support can take a 34 meg file?

2004-08-11, 05:57 PM

Support should be able to take your file. Please contact them. (Or you may copy the file and delete/purge it from elements that did not play an active role in your error to make it smaller.)

As a suggestion to fix the problem yourself, you may try to recreate those relations (wall-floor attach, place wall sweep, join geometry, etc.) in different order. Sometimes it helps with such situations.

As I see it from your description, you have several pairs of interacting elements. (the wall sweep cuts into the wall, the wall changes its shape to attach to floor, a window cuts the wall, maybe some join geometry between some of them, etc)

All these relations cause some shape change in the participating elements and are executed one after the other usually in the order of their creation.

For example the window will cut the wall, but can only do so after the wall is placed and has some initial shape. The wall sweep requires its hosting wall to already have cuts made by windows, so it waits for the window cuts as well.

Occasionally one can create a circle in these requirements resulting in a "chicken and egg problem", and Revit stops the regeneration.

Let me know if this helped at all.
