View Full Version : 2008 Color Fill Legends

2007-09-20, 08:18 PM
I haven't messed with it a lot, yet. However, am I right in assuming that the color fill legend in Revit 2008 does NOT show any unreferenced colors?
EX: If I have rooms named Office, and Laundry on the first floor and Storage, and Kitchen on the second but I place a color legend on the first, it will only show the Office and Laundry in the Legend?
Sometimes we are trying to show what is NOT there as much as we are trying to show what IS there. I don't see an option to show ALL or to show unreferenced.

*Did I post this already?*

2007-09-20, 08:34 PM
This is not something you will find in the color scheme itself. You will need to define this within the color fill legend. After defining the color fill scheme, place the color fill legend in the view (found in the Room and Area tool). Select the legend and modify its element properties. You will need to substitute the "Values Displayed" field from "All" to "By View".

Note that these are type parameters.

2007-09-20, 08:35 PM
Brilliant! Thanks!