View Full Version : Site Trouble - No 3D Contours

2007-09-25, 08:26 PM
Hi, I'm having issues with toposurfaces.

I've been given a site survey with all the elevations . I've even have gotten a scv file.

i've entered the points into my toposurface by point by point with limited success and I've even tried to do it the scv files as well.

Here's the kicker. I can see the contour lines , and then i've gone to the graded region tool and used that on the toposurface. It gave me a waring that since i'm creating the graded region in the same phase that the toposurface was created , that it won't show up. So i've gone to the new construction phase and repeated my previous steps. I didn't get the warning this time , but there is still no 3-d representation of the contour lines. to test that, I've even cut a section through an area which should have substantial grade difference and I can't see the grade lines.

I've changed the contour line intervals and that will show me more lines, but still no 3-d representation. .

please help as i'm starting to run out of hair to pull out !!! arghhh

2007-09-25, 08:40 PM
Are the contours in meters? Did you check to see if your units are in meters as well? If they are set to millimeters then you will have a pretty flat surface...

2007-09-25, 09:05 PM
checkin ........

that seems to be the problem Thanks .
serisously . the biggest light bulb just went off over my head and i think the hair is starting to grow back . I just assumed that data was entered in meters.

Thanks for you help.

2007-09-25, 09:08 PM
No problem.....the only reason I knew what was up was because I did the same thing this morning. ;)