View Full Version : Substituted Material

2004-08-12, 02:30 AM
I have a garage door in a new project that upon insertion into the project (after updating the garage door family) is still showing incorrect materials. Has anyone else experienced this and know a fix?

I have checked the materials mapping etc and all appears ok. I have also deleted the old file form the project and purged the family and closed revit, re-opened the project and re-inserted but still no go. Anyone know how to fix this?

The pic of the door in the project is attached and shows different timber for the window frame and the garage panel but these should be the same.

2004-08-12, 02:38 AM
Hi Funkman

have you checked the material mapped in the family does not conflict with the projects materials?

silly billy

2004-08-12, 03:29 AM
Never mind that Funkman, thats a red Porsche in the foreground !

Shame on you.

2004-08-12, 04:10 AM
the funny thing is this Client just bought a new porsche last week - so he was extremely happy to see a porsche on the drawings.

Although he did buy a black one.

2004-08-12, 05:45 AM
Although he did buy a black one.
More rendering materials to change. ;)

Steven Campbell
2004-08-12, 02:06 PM
A material in the project with the same name overrides the family material. This is intended to be this way so someone does not loaded a family into a project and modify and existing project material.

To get the results you want either give the family material a unique name or rename the material in the project and reload the family. You could transfer project standards the material from the family to the project, but you need to be careful in to overwriting another material. Typically I make a copy of the source file delete every material except the one I want to transfer, the do the transfer project standards from that file.

Steven Campbell
Autodesk Revit