View Full Version : Slow performance when drawing walls

2007-09-26, 04:53 PM
I am working on a relatively large file in revit and for the most part performance speed has been good. Now it seems though that drawing walls is extremely slow. It has to think about every segment of wall for while every time I draw one.

I figure it is just analyzing other walls to join, floors etc, but regardless the speed is unacceptable and we'll never be able to get anything done.

has any one else experienced this? Is there a way to prevent walls fro joining other elements upon insertion, any other ideas? please!!!!!

2007-09-26, 05:01 PM
I have noticed the same.

Yesterday I saw a thread about clicking "Use overlay planes..." in the Options and that seemed to improve some.

2007-09-26, 05:20 PM
Use overlay planes was already on. I have that if I draw a wall with the base anywhere above the floor it is much faster. Is there a way to disable the wall from trying to join or engage the floor?

2007-09-27, 04:20 PM
what happens if you turn off floors while you are drawing? However my guess/experience is that walls slow down when you have lots of rooms. Revit maybe trying to calculate the change in room area.

2007-09-27, 05:21 PM
Could you contact Revit support and perhaps send your file in for us to analyze your problem?



2007-09-28, 01:02 PM
Scott - when I turn off floors the speed does not change... its still super-slow. however if I draw the walls with the base starting above the floor, they create at normal speed. That doesn't seem like a room issue then, but a 'joining to floor issue'

2007-09-28, 01:39 PM

You can look at the journal file in the area when you modified the walls. There may be clues there about the reason of the slow-down.

The other option is to send your file to Revit support.


2007-09-29, 04:59 AM
We have been experiencing the same kind of slowing problem, except not only with walls but just about all operations in revit. Perhaps I can tag on to this thread and see if the answers are similar.

Here's the situation. We're on Architecture 2008 with the latest updates and have a workshared model that ranges from 50-130MB in size (after & before we audit it) and have 5-7 people working in Revit at the same time. We have the building split into 3 worksets and try to keep people from overlapping work on the same area of the building. We've all got super fast computers with tons of memory and the network activity is minimal when we experience our slow downs.

Here's the problem. Occasionally, certain team members will experience a major slow down while others do not. The slow down is quite severe with Revit trying to regenerate each view after every input. At it's worst it takes a full 45-50 seconds to zoom a single click into a part of the model. Unfortunately this seems to happen often right about the time we have a big deadline.

The odd thing is that when this happens it is usually the case that one person has no problems whatsoever and the rest of the team is left banging their heads against the screen because it is so slow.

We've tried to look for correlations and thought originally that it might be that the first person in would be ok and everybody after that would be slogging along. But that theory has gone out the window. I'm now tracking how many people are in the model and how many are slow when it happens but have no good theories.
Everything from zooming to inserting objects to adding components is affected.

I've sent the journals from my computer and the Revit file off to Autodesk Support but haven't gotten a response.

Is there a maximum number of people that can workshare a model? Is there some sort of background operation that might be affecting this? Personally I only had Revit, Outlook, and Windows explorer open the last time this happened.

Thanks in advance for any ideas.


2007-10-01, 06:52 PM
kevin - did you get an answer from autodesk?

2007-10-01, 07:27 PM
No I still haven't gotten an answer.
I'm starting to think I've either stumped them or they are confused by my questions.

I've had two support request open for about a week now without an answer.

2007-10-01, 08:50 PM
I have slow performance just drawing lines in a detail component. I think its just Revit :?

Figure I have a 3.2ghz duo with 2gb of ram and a 256mb video card iand its slow just creating lines in a pretty simple detail. Now I understand why there is a wish that Revit was an add-on to AutoCAD.... I would be able to create details/families a lot faster with a AutoCAD interface.

I am attempting to decrease the hardware acceleration some on the video card to see if that helps any.

2007-10-01, 09:00 PM
Well, that's just it. Normally we have no problem using Revit and don't want to go back to ACAD - for most things at least. Granted there are a lot of operations that take a few seconds to load and finish, but that's not the problem I'm refering to. That part is just Revit.

The slowdown I'm refering to is a significant decrease in speed of all operations, mostly for the need to regenerate every view after every click or scroll of the mouse. This is one of two pilot projects in our office and we've been using Revit since February, so we are pretty used to the flow of work and how long it should take.

We have tried turning OpenGL on and off at different times to see if one was better than the other and that hasn't helped. Thanks for the tip though, we're also trying to find the optimum hardware acceleration setting.

2007-10-01, 10:10 PM
I changed my hardware acceleration to midway (display properties, advanced, troubleshoot tab)

I also changed my Open GL settings to performance instead of balanced, changed my color quality to medium (can change whenever I go into Photoshop) and in the Appearance tab I disabled all effects.

Since doing that and rebooting I have noticed quite a bit of difference. ;)

2007-10-02, 05:32 PM
Have you gone and reviewed all your warnings? Many times you'll have so many warnings users ignored that revit is struggling to figure out how to handle the bad model. So to tools?review warnings> and see what you have.