View Full Version : opening with irregular plan view

2007-09-28, 05:15 PM
hi! can anyone help me with this item? I need to create an opening, as you can see in the plan view I attach... How can I do that?

2007-09-28, 06:55 PM
hi! can anyone help me with this item? I need to create an opening, as you can see in the plan view I attach... How can I do that?
In the family, create a void extrusion instead of the "opening" object.

2007-09-28, 07:15 PM
There is a thread where this is discussed with some tapered openings posted if it's any help (near the bottom of the thread).

2007-09-28, 10:25 PM
thanks, William... how did you create it? because I wanted to create an extrusion void, but it tell me there was no object for sustract from, or something like that...

2007-09-28, 10:35 PM
another one... what if I need a dor, or a window in it??

2007-09-29, 11:10 AM
ah - you've got me there - I am just getting around to doing that myself :Oops:

I have been 'cheating' so far by just entering regular window openings and using filled areas to mask out the tapered reveals to the walls (s****ions we call them).

I have seen that error message as well - you have to remember to use the 'cut geometry' tool on the void and the wall when making the family or the void doesn't work.

As much of my work involves windows and doors in tapered openings in stone walls I must get this sorted soon - the examples posted in that thread are a good starting point.

You can make the window using sweeps or I imagine you could bring in a ready-made window once you had removed it's associated opening - the ideal thing would be to set it all up to be able to swap different windows in and out of the opening, I think using nested Families? - but that is a bit beyond me at the moment.

Edit:... er, some sort of censorship feature here seems to have taken the middle out my word for tapered reveals - I guess it's easily worked out though ;)