View Full Version : Service Pack 2

2004-08-12, 04:55 PM
Has anyone installed Service Pack 2 for Windows XP yet? Any trouble with Revit?

Dean Klear

2004-08-12, 09:06 PM
SP2 will enable Windows Firewall which may interfere with license server communication.

The fix is to dissable the firewall or make an exception rule for ports: 2080 and 27000-27009 on the license server.

The symptoms of this is you can't sign out a network license from a client machine.

2004-08-12, 09:54 PM
From Woody's Window Watch:

Whatever you do, don't install RC2 on a machine that does real work, or you're bound to end up unhappy. But if you have an old XP machine sitting around doing nothing useful, by all means give it a try. In fact, it's a good thing to do because it will help you assess which of your favorite apps is likely to be affected when you install the real thing. So, if you have a second machine, install RC2 and then test out your usual apps, try swapping and changing hardware and software, and give it a good work over. In particular, spend some time testing out communications programs, as the new firewall is bound to affect some of these.

Installing SP2 is almost guaranteed to break some of your existing applications, or at least make them behave strangely. That's thanks to the new firewall, turned on by default, and other security features such as beefed up browser security.

The question isn't if to switch to SP2 but when. The prudent course is to wait a few weeks after the final public release of SP2 - let other people and companies be the guinea pigs. Give other software makers a chance to update their products to full SP2 compatibility and install those updates before you install SP2.

Isn't Windows fun ......

2004-08-18, 12:06 AM
Any news on whether its safe to install SP2, anyone tried it?


2004-08-18, 12:33 AM
Kim, go first......really that wasn't a shark

2004-08-18, 12:39 AM
Kim, did you miss this thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=39823#post39823)?

EDIT Note that the posts from Kim's thread are now merged in this thread .

2004-08-18, 01:00 AM
Kim, did you miss this thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=39823#post39823)?

Yes I missed that one, I even did a search for SP2 before I posted my message and didn't find anything.
Ok thanks.


2004-08-18, 01:02 AM
No problem.

You can read more in this thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7056).

2004-08-18, 02:57 AM
I see that Microsoft has published a list of programs (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=842242)that require ports to be opened manually after installing SP2. ( cringe )

Autocad is one of the programs. Revit is not listed.

Has anyone from the factory confirmed that Revit will run with SP2 without problems ?

2004-08-21, 07:28 AM
If you're interested in putting off the SP2 install, Microsoft is providing a mechanism that will disable the delivery of SP2 via Automatic Updates for 120 days (starting from August 16). You can find out more information about this mechanism in a TechNet article (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/sp2aumng.mspx) and download it via a download page (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=33517).

2004-08-23, 09:54 AM
Kim, go first......really that wasn't a shark

Hmm, the water does look inviting, but I think I saw dark shadows lurking just below the surface.
How painfull can it really be to have to reinstall everything.


Scott Hopkins
2004-08-26, 06:17 PM
I am too scared to go first. Any guinea pigs out there willing to give Windows XP SP2 a trial run with Revit?

Allen Lacy
2004-08-26, 06:40 PM
I am too scared to go first. Any guinea pigs out there willing to give Windows XP SP2 a trial run with Revit? This (http://www.timesdispatch.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=RTD%2FMGArticle%2FRTD_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1031777542599&path=%21business&s=1045855934855) should make the decision a little easier.

Nic M.
2004-08-26, 07:04 PM
Just installed it everything works fine

Xp Home
revit stand alone licence
acad 2000 LT
NAV 2004 needed an update but did dat on the LiveReg...
Outlook 2002

It "feels" a bit saver on the hackers and virus side of things, if it actualy is ???

2004-08-27, 06:18 AM
Just installed on our computers............no worries maaate!


2004-08-27, 07:09 AM
Thats great guys !

Let me know how things are going in a couple of weeks ...... :wink: thanks.

( when its comes to Microsoft, I'm a slow adapter )

2004-08-31, 01:31 AM
Coooeee cobber.... it works like a treat

just upgraded the laptop after a day long download... Revit now flies, in fact all programs seem to be running better

Wes Macaulay
2004-08-31, 02:18 AM
I heard some hooey too about SP2 breaking AutoCAD. Network licensed, maybe, but everything has checked out fine on our end.

The new features will benefit home / non-corporate users the most, with the new Windows Firewall a large improvement over the old one.

2004-08-31, 02:20 AM
I run a hard wired firewall on a router, so security isn't a big concern. I can't see any other advantage to installing SP2 at the moment.

I heard some hooey too about SP2 breaking AutoCAD. Network licensed, maybe, but everything has checked out fine on our end.
Eegbertson noted earlier that there could be interference with the Licence Server Communication.

Scott Hopkins
2004-09-05, 09:30 PM
Installing Service Pack 2 brought my computer to its knees! I thought I would install SP2 over the weekend to get the added security features. Boy was that a mistake! Once installed, SP2 made my computer feel as if it were an old IBM 486. Instead of being almost instantaneous, drawing a wall in Revit took about 10 seconds. SP2 made my machine unusable. I was on the phone for 40 minutes with a Microsoft technician tweaking all kinds of registry values to no avail. Their final solution was to call Autodesk Revit to get the Revit SP2 update patch. Ya right! Fortunately the uninstall of SP2 was simple and effective. Everything is running smoothly once again.

2004-09-05, 09:54 PM
I followed the lead of the others and installed SP2 last week, it went without a hitch.
Revit & Autocad both worked fine straight away.

The worst part was doing the 2 sets of backups that I did first.


2004-09-06, 05:09 PM
I tried to install SP2, but got a message that my Window XP might be a black copy (which is not the case)
Anyway, I remember of having had this problem with a Windows update before. To that time, somebody posted a tip (it was to Zoog's time / I think it was beegee), of which update or something similar should be deactivated, which worked fine.
I had no luck by search (I do find it difficult also for other searches to find the right Keywords, could search be more flexible?)


2004-09-07, 12:16 AM
About two weeks ago, I installed SP-2 on two machines with Revit and stand alone licenses and haven't had any problems (knock on wood) yet.

2004-09-07, 01:03 PM
It seems as though Revit now gives a crash error AFTER I close it, which has no practical impact except I have to twice elect not to send the error to Autodesk and twice hit some other button. Their so pop-up blocker sometimes works 100% and sometimes 0% (???) with the same "High" setting. On the plus side, my apps and internet movement seems to have sped up, but I also recently downloaded DirectX 9c (or it was part of SP2, I forget).

Les Therrien
2004-10-12, 11:10 AM
So, is it declared safe to jump into the water yet?!

2004-10-12, 01:02 PM
come on in the water's fine - been running 2+ months now without a glitch... :)

Wes Macaulay
2004-10-12, 04:55 PM
Yes, SP2 is fine -- and I should add... make sure you get that patch for the GDI security hole in Windows. Evildoers could take advantage of your computer by using a specially crafted JPG.


2004-10-19, 05:37 AM
Latest news on SP2 and Autodesk.... ( Reference this thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=55365#post55365))

Currently Autodesk are testing this service pack with all autodesk products. Only AutoCAD and Verticals have been certified. There are known issues with some Autodesk products including AutoCAD Mechanical 2. AutoCAD Electrical 3. Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 4. Autodesk Inventor 5. Autodesk Inventor Professional 6. Autodesk Vault.

No mention was made of Revit.

2004-10-22, 06:00 PM
Anyone install Windows XP pro service pack 2? Any problems with Revit?



2004-10-22, 07:55 PM
Anyone install Windows XP pro service pack 2? Any problems with Revit?



Look up...

2004-10-22, 07:57 PM
...Anyone install Windows XP pro service pack 2? Any problems with Revit?...Merged your post with this existing thread...sooo Greg is just saying check out the posts that your post is now hanging out with.

2004-10-22, 09:45 PM
Sorry...missed that. ;)