View Full Version : Text Display Problem

2007-10-01, 07:30 AM
I have boxes appearing around all my text on several sheets of details, no such problem on plans. No idea what is happening? Has anyone else had similar problems?

2007-10-01, 01:32 PM
It's called Qtext .. oupss that's AutoCAD
Probably a display issue. Try updating your video card drivers, then turn on or off OpenGL and Overlay Planes to see if it fix the problem

2007-10-01, 03:01 PM

I was afraid that was the problem. I have the most current driver and I also have tried all the display settings and graphic options. The culprit undoubtedly is Windows XP64. My video card is an ATI V7100 Fire GL.


2007-10-01, 04:07 PM
I run Vista 64 with an ATI card and it's running perfectly (knocking on wood)
Did you tried some tweaking in the ATI control panel ?

2007-10-01, 09:43 PM

I have - but I can't say I know what to do - any suggestions. Seems I only have the problem with a drawing created in a previous build ??? ???. Is the video card or Revit itself?

Thanks again.

2007-10-01, 09:50 PM
So it's not ALL project that act this way with text ?
If not, try auditing when you open it.