View Full Version : Floor Plan View Off Axis

2007-10-01, 08:45 PM
I was asked to help solve an issue on a Revit project in our office. When looking at the floor plans it appears that the view is somehow slightly off axis. In other words when looking at vertical objects such as steel columns you see the location the column is cut based on the cut plane then as you hover over it you see it going off at a slight angle to the extent defined by the view depth. My first thought of course was that the column was somehow not vertical and was tilted. However when looking at sections cut from the floor plan the column does appear to be exactly vertical.

I know that sections can be rotated and aligned to non orthagonal positions but is that also possible for a floor plan?

I tried to research this issue and found a lot of discussion about origin issues. I did discover that this revit model was built thousands of feet off of the origin. Could this be playing a role in the floor plan view being off axis?

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


2007-10-01, 11:44 PM
It sounds as if you are suggesting that Revit is based on the curvature of the earth. I might be wrong, but I do not believe this is so. A level is a flat plane. I've never seen or heard of anything like what you are describing. Posting an image or two might be helpful.

2007-10-02, 01:27 AM
I doubt that your floor plan are off axis. It's mostly a display issue.

2007-10-02, 01:42 AM
What you describe does occur on projects that have been modeled far from the origin. Arc appear jagged, a line appears to be off to the side of where it looks like it is. This is because of the mathematics involved in graphic display and in creating objects. AutoCAD will do similar things to graphics if you attempt to work at both an extremely large scale and then attempt to do something at a minute scale in the same file. It can usually be solved by moving the model closer to the origin in Revit.