View Full Version : Filter Schedule by Workset??

2007-10-02, 01:15 AM
Does anyone know if it's possible to filter schedules using worksets?


2007-10-02, 01:24 AM
No its not. What are you trying to achieve ?

2007-10-03, 12:26 AM
Thanks Daniel.

I have a project divided into two construction stages. Base building and interior fitout. There are worksets set up for these two stages (as well as phases).

All I want to do is split my base-build door schedule from the interior fitout door schedule.

I can achieve the same thing using phasing, but as the worksets are already setup I was hoping to save some time.


2010-10-14, 07:36 PM
Thanks Daniel.

I have a project divided into two construction stages. Base building and interior fitout. There are worksets set up for these two stages (as well as phases).

All I want to do is split my base-build door schedule from the interior fitout door schedule.

I can achieve the same thing using phasing, but as the worksets are already setup I was hoping to save some time.

Was hoping to do the same thing...sucks you can filter your views, but not schedules, by worksets.

2010-10-14, 08:55 PM
If those doors are on the correct worksets can you not just select all the Base building doors and assign a parameter with a value of say Base building. Do the same process with the Interior fitout doors.

Now you can filter your schedules by that parameter. One will only show doors that are assigned base building, the other only that are assigned Interior fitout.