View Full Version : Skylight problem

2004-08-13, 02:06 PM
[I made this post on some other forums without much success, so I figured I would try new sets of eyes] :

I have found one insumountable problem in Revit. When I cut through a [e.g.] skylight in plan, it gives me the entire unit projecting above my cutplane. I suppose it does not understand it as a plan element so for the time being I am patching over it, but this is, of course, an imperfect solution.

Similarly, in a tall roof that I cut through [plan again], I do not wish to see the whole roof below, but it appears past my view depth.

Has anyone else run into these issues with oblique objects, and do you have any suggestions?


2004-08-13, 03:12 PM
You are not alone in finding this a problem. If it a real problem make a cut in the roof and model the roof light as a section of sloping glazing, complete with mullions. If you are anticipating using somethig like a Velux window or other proprietary window, you could probably model a single glazed panel that incorporated framing that made it appear as a Velux and required no surrounding mullion etc.. Just a thought, but if you do model this, do me a favour and post it back up here!

Failing all that, I remember that Rhys has posted a Velux here....http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=2275&highlight=velux

2004-08-16, 04:08 PM
Thanks for the suggestion.
I am working on modeling some things.

I wonder... because the default roof is flat, it might be the main contributor to this issue. Playing with an adjustable roof plane and void, to see if I can't get a better cut behavior. I will certainly post anything useful I can come up with.

But if anyone can beat me to it..... I am not proud.


Nic M.
2004-08-16, 07:34 PM
this one does cut
Its a Generic model
Not ideal
maybe someone can finish it

2004-08-16, 09:28 PM
Well, i did not get much else done today, and also went the generic model route.
[see attached] Thanks for the discussion on it.

I suppose skylights go on the wishlist....
