View Full Version : quirky stretching behavior

clog boy
2007-10-08, 10:59 AM
Hi. I made adaptions to a base model we use a lot. For starters, I attached every exterior wall and prefab floor slab to a grid. When the grid moves, everything is supposed to move with it now.
There's one issue I like to refer to as the '1200 flaw', when the grid is moved 1200mm Revit wants to delete a floor because the base sketch is invalid. Revit doesn't do this when I move the grid 300, another 600 and yet another 300 (which ofcourse totals to 1200).
So I decided to tackle this issue, move it 1200 and see what causes the problem.

Revit once again throws a 'floor sketch is invalid' error at me, When I click 'show' to display the faulty component, Revit breaks (option save-as and exit).

Since I'm working with a base model here I want to get this right. Do I need to expect problems when using this for a project? What steps would anyone take to aviod this issue in the future?

2007-10-08, 12:47 PM
I tried this out (Imperial units) moving my grid with my walls and floor sketch aligned and locked to the grid. A simple rectangular grid. Moved it 1200', far more than 1200 mm, with no problem or error messages or crash. What is it I can't see in your model that is not attached properly to the grid? Why is the floor or floor sketch attached to the grdi and not the walls? You have to align the floor sketch lines to the grid, not the floor element edges.

Mel Persin, AIA
AEC Technology Consultant
Technology to Visualize and Realize Solutions
MasterGraphics, Inc.

clog boy
2007-10-08, 12:55 PM
I did align the sketch, and to make it all manageable I don't want any indirect references (saves on processing power too).
Doesn't matter tho. I deleted the old floors and made some new ones. Everything works now.