View Full Version : Curtain wall with door and window

2007-10-08, 12:53 PM
We have developed model with a curtain wall with door and window panel in it. Now when it came to legend and scheduling, we failed. I read lots of discussion about how to legend and schedule this. I believe i have to create a window family if i want to schedule whole unit as a single window unit. This works fine with horizontal and vertical walls.
But we have a wall cionfiguration as shown in attached image. Can anyone please advice on how to deal with this so that we get it right in legend and schedule.?

Thanks in anticipation.

2007-10-08, 01:21 PM
Curtain Walls schedule as Walls not Windows, so you would have to create a wall schedule and name it Curtain Wall Windows and filter out all other walls except the curtain walls to simulate a window schedule that could appear on a sheet without reference to any other wall elements.

As to curtain walls in Legends, they show up as their curtain wall location line and are basically invisible to the Legend view. They do not show mullions, panels, etc. It is unclear how Legends can display Curtain Walls. You can show your curtain wall panel separately, but not the mullion profile in plan or extruded shape in section or elevation.

Mel Persin, AIA
AEC Technology Consultant
Technology to Visualize and Realize Solutions
MasterGraphics, Inc.

2007-10-08, 02:37 PM
Thanks for your quick response.
After readin other posts i did realised that i can not schedule curtain wall into window/door schedule. Thats why i created a family of the whole unit as i mentioned in my original post. But what i want to do is to deal with a case having walls at angles in plan view as shown in my original post image.

I have created a window family for horizontal/vertical walls. Pleasee see attached images. I want to achieve the same for the configuration shown in original post image.

Thanks in anticipation of your help.

2007-10-10, 09:11 AM
Any suggestion please?

thanks in anticipation.

2007-10-22, 06:56 AM
hi Rahul

I think you are looking for the legend. You can setup a new Legend from the view tab . You will have to fill in some information manually.

Hope this helps