View Full Version : Import/Link not working

2007-10-08, 06:05 PM
Does anyone have any idea why I am unable to import or link certain .dwg files into my sheets? The offending files are standard manufacturer details (Reward Wall Systems). The link shows up under Manage Links, but when I click 'Open' on the Import/Link dialog nothing happens. I have inserted quite a few details from the same series, but 2 or 3 of them just will not come in. If I copy the model geometry over to paper space it seems to work, but I must be missing something in the settings or ???

2007-10-10, 11:50 AM
I still haven't been able to figure out why the original files will not import, but FYI I can wblock the data to a new file or copy it over to paperspace and it will come in just fine.

2007-10-10, 03:26 PM
Try Importing/Linking with the ‘Current View Only’ box unchecked. Switch to a 3d view and ‘Zoom All’.

If the drawing is linked, the file name will show under CAD Formats in the Manage Links dialog. If it is imported, new categories will be created under ‘Imported Categories’ in the Visibility/Graphic Overrides window.

Either of these results would be evidence that something is happening. Most likely the cause is that some data in your imported file is located far from the absolute (0,0) origin - data that is eliminated when you 'w-block'.

See Revit Origin and Shared Coordinates in the Revit FAQ Forum for more information.


2007-10-10, 05:35 PM
I don't know why I'm obsessing over this, but I just can not get it to work with the original file! All cad data is very close to the origin, and a zoom all centers the drawing nicely. The checkbox for Current View Only is checked but grayed out so I can't change it. I tried again to import it with Visible Layers Only and Revit crashed to the Send Error Report dialog.
I've purged the file, audited it, everything I can think of. I've attached the CAD dwg if anyone cares to give it a shot.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-10-10, 06:11 PM
I'm sure you'll be glad to know that it worked without a problem for me:roll:

import or link certain .dwg files into my sheets?
Are you trying to insert it into a 'sheet view'? When I did this all that came in was the outline of the word 'Reward' . Have you tried importing to a drafting view and placing that on the sheet?

2007-10-10, 07:46 PM
Yes, I was trying to put it on a sheet of details... but 32 out of 37 of the details from RWS imported no problem. I suppose it will have to remain a mystery for now. At least I have a few workarounds if the same thing crops up!

Thanks for the input!